Where Did You All Have Your Babys
6 Replies
Hey everyone, well i was just courious as where you guys had your babies (hospital, at home, birthing center, in a car ect). Thankz
My son was born in a hospital. I did not have any drugs, but not brave enough to go to a birthing center. Just in case my son would have needed immediate care for something. But all was well and I was pleased with my experience
hospital, drug free. After over 20 hours of not progressing and getting induced twice, we opted for a c-section.
sarah,how was your c-section?re you glad you had it.I was very pleased with my elective one.
I've had three births... first was in a birthing center (with a midwife / no drugs at all). Second was in a hospital (my water broke prematurely and I was Strep B positive, so we had to use pitocin... otherwise, it would have been at the birthing center). Same midwife though and two shots of Stalldane (sp?). Third was at the birthing center with my midwife and one shot of same drug... this was my easiest birth hands down! I've never had an epidural and have huge respect for those who have had them. I watched the Dr. put my SIL's in and couldn't imagine having that done to me.
I had my first baby in a hospital, because I had no idea what to expect, but I think I'll try for a home birth this time.
Hospital!! I wouldnt have had it any other way! I love home births, I think they are a great way to go, its just not my thing!