Why Did They Send Me Home
5 Replies
I am 37 weeks and dialated 3cm and was monitored for an hour at doc's office while having pretty intense contractions of 3 minutes. They had me walk for an hour then checked me again and said b/c i had not dialated any more that i was to go home. I was hoping they would induce me cause i am miserable and cannot sleep. This afternoon i lost my mucus plug and my baby has been dropped for almost a month now! How much longer could it possibly be???????
This is my second pregnancy by the way, my first i was induced at 37 weeks!
| MN - November 10 |
They send you home when you're not in labor, that's all. At 37 weeks you're just barely 'due', 37-42 is normal. You could still have weeks to go. If your body and baby aren't ready, they're not ready. Doctors are unlikely to induce until you're overdue.
| HH - November 11 |
I think it sounds pretty soon. Hang in there!
ive been to the hospital with contractions and i was monitered and they sent me home after having intense contractions cause i didnt dialate anymore
not to burst your bubble, but i've been in early labor - dilated to 3cm - for 1w2d (i'm 36.5wks). my doctor said that with her last child, she was in early labor for a month! i'm hoping it doesn't last that long.. b/c i still get contractions.. but right now, it's just a waiting game. i've also lost my mucous plug - about 3 times now! LOL i hope yours comes soon!