What exactly is back labor? I am 37 weeks, -2 station, dialtated to a 2 and 50% effaced. Last night and today, I have been having these back aches in my lower back that come and go, they really hurt sometimes! Is this back labor? Thanks!
| a - September 1 |
sounds like your just having regular backaches from carrying a child around on the front of you. Back Labor is "technically" a description of the pain while in active labor when the back of the baby's head is againes the rear of the pelvis
the way i describe my back labor is it felt like the bottom of my spine was being grinded off. horrible pain.
| hi - September 4 |
yep nelly pretty muched sumed it up.back labor isn't anything nice at all.went through 17 and a half hours of that c___p.lucky i have a spine left.lol.it does end though so don't panic.good luck