Decreased Fetal Movement-pg115349423018
2 Replies
Usually, my baby is stretching like crazy but so far this morning she's only moved slightly, two or three times.. I don't know if it's something I should be worried about or not. I know decreased movement can mean low amniotic fluid but my water hasn't broken. What else can it mean.
How far along are you? My baby has been less active today, too. 37 weeks and a little bit. They say they move less at the end, but it still worries me. I have read that if you drink something sweet and lay on your left side, you can get her moving to rea__sure yourself.
36 weeks.. yeah it just scared me because it was all of a sudden... but she got the hiccups an hour or so after.. so i'm not really worried's hard not knowing what's going on in there.