ill be 39 weeks on tuesday and on my last ob app. my midwife said my baby hasent droped and i havent even started to dialate. what can i do to help my body along with the process? thanx much
I don't think anything will really help unless your body is ready to go into labor. But, you can try walking a lot, s_x, sometimes the sperm with help soften the cervix, I think there are a=some herbs, but I don't know which ones, also some women of course use castor oil. You put in in a small gla__s of orange juice and drink it, it causes diarhea though. Good luck and I hope the baby comes soon for you!
Oh, I forgot acupuncture and b___st pumping can stimulate contractions.
I read that pinapple is good to help soften the cervix... it has to be fresh not juice or canned but i seemed to find some help in it. I ate a whole fresh pineapple the day before my last apointment since i hadnt dialated any and at my appointment i was dialated to 2. I also read that squatting helps to move the baby down against the cervix... i sit on the couch and scoot all the way to the edge i tried it as well... so afar im dialated to 3 and that is it but it seems to have helped get a start on it.
Walking alot and s_x! Ask your doctor about stripping your membranes that can also work for some. Castor oil brings on contractions But your not at all dilated so it might just make you feel miserable. I personally wouldnt use the castor oil.
Hey all i''m now 4days over due... I was going to try the castor oil but after reading what some women have said i decided against it, anyway 2 days ago i went for a sweep only for my midwife to say i wasn't dilated so she couldn't do it... So maybe yours wont be able to do one for you... She did say i was really thin and soft and the babys head was really low so expect delivery soon, but she said i can help soften the cervix more by drinking rasberry tea ect but nothing to necessarely dilate apart from lots of walking ect to nudge the babys head down more - Pineapple and rasberry tea does actually help soften the cervix i think... But the tea you need to take for a few weeks, i hope everything goes well for you and your baby arrives soon, take care :-)
thanx to all who wrote back. well i stared taking evening primrose oil to help soften my cervic and it work ive dil. to 2cm and im about 75% effaced. my midewife also striped my membranes, to day so i hope it will work.
When u took evening primerose oil did how did u take it & did u start having contractions?
well i was 42 weeks when they took me in to induce me with my last baby baby had not dropped and cervix was high and not dilated any wish i tryed the primrose oil lol my midwife said you insert in v____ally to soften the cervix but sperm is another cervix soften