Dialation And Effacement-pg112197804318
3 Replies
I am 37 weeks pregnant and I'm dialated 2 cm's and 60% effaced. They also said that they baby is at -2 station, but yet I was sent home. How much longer will it be???
Hi Mel,
I was at the hospital yesterday and they told me I was 1cm dilated 50% effaced and -3 station. The doc told me I am progressing nicely and it could be anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks, not much help at all. If you find out more please let me know.
Hi ladies, I am 37 weeks too. I am also dialated at a 2. This is my 3rd baby. With my 1st one I was dialated at a 2 for the entire 9th month until 4 day before he was born. When I went in for a check-up and the Dr and nurse midwife argued. The nurse said I was dialated at a 4 then and the Dr. checked and said "No I was only at a 3". I got an U/S and a fetal non-stress test done. And they sent me home. Oh yeah I didn't know at that time the baby's gender. When they did the u/s the tech said girl and my mom was really excited. But the doc looked very very carefully and said "nope...that looks like s____m to me and he is just hiding the rest of his privates". Well the dr was right. Four days later I had my little boy and he was adorable. So anyway it just depends. I wish I could go anyday now. I live in Oklahoma and it is HOT here and I am miserable. The baby dropped andI haven't been able to sit up straight for about two weeks. I'm about ready to give the little guy an eviction notice. I woke up this morning at 3 am with contractions of the worse kind. But I was so excited. I still haven't lost my mucous plug and I am frantically waiting for it. So I don' t make no biggie when I have contractions because I haven't lost my mucous plug. Good luck to you all. Have a safe delivery and recovery and healthy babies.....
Im 36 weeks and am at a -2 station 50% effaced and 1 1/2 cm dilated. They wont keep you until 1. your water breaks or 2. you are having regular contractions.