Does Castor Oil Really Work
264 Replies
| Mez - September 17 |
It worked!!!! Well at least i think it was the castor oil. I am now the proud mum to a baby girl! Born at 39 wks and 5days.
I took caster oil with my first baby on my due date. I took it then went to bed, woke up 4 hours later with mild cramping. No bowel Movement at all, but had my little guy within 18 hours. He was fine, no BM's before birth. I am not 39 weeks and tried taking it again about 3 hours ago and so far nothing, I am crossing my fingers!
| le - September 25 |
I took castro oil twice and it did not work. The first time I did have some contractions but nothing too bad and I did have the runs but not like every one talked about. I'm going to try it again and hopefully it works. I'm 36 1/2 week and 50% effaced and 2 1/2 cm. I'm tired of being pregnant, this is my third child and the pregnancy has been very hard.
Castor oil worked for me with my third child. I was having contractions but, they were not strong at all. The midwives told me to eat a big greasy meal, walk around the block two times as fast as I could, then take 2 oz. of C.O., finally lay down and do nothing...I did just that and the contractions came 2 minutes apart. Now, I am on my 5th child and much older....I am 39wks 4cm and station 0...still no baby. I have tried CO, s_x, nipple stimulation, walking, emema, spicy food, even had my dr. strip the cervix twice.......nothing. She can feel the babies head and said my "membranes are bulging". I can think of nothing else to do. My cousing said to soak in a warm/hot bath for about an hour or so...I am a little scared of this because I have always heard NO HOT BATHS. Does anybody have any advice or comments they can offer me??? PLEASE!!!!
| jo - September 26 |
castor oil does not work well it didnt for me anyway i took it 3 times and all it did was put me in false labor for a few hrs each time i took it and it didnt even make me poop i took 2 tbsp each time ill be 40 wks wed and trhe dr said i am ready to go hes been saying that for 3 wks iguess it might work for u just depends on if the baby is ready or not
Ok.... I'm 39.5 weeks pregnant....and frankly i dont want to be OVERDUE!!! I've never had Braxton Hicks contractions, I'm not dilated (as of last thursday) I've been effacing for at least 2 1/2 weeks now, though not sure how much (didnt ask, he just tells me that its thinning out) i have mild period-like cramps in the abdomen and back. Walking, and s_x to work, but for me it doesnt bring on labor, it just brings on the cramping (mild contractions) which are good for your cervix...(its what makes it thin out and dilate) So, I'm gonna try to choke down maybe a tablespoon of castor oil, (dont want to do too much, that stuff is NASTY) and we'll see how it goes....I'll repost later and letcha know. BUT, I'm most certain nothing works unless your body is ready, so if your not due yet, then i'm sure nothing will work, at least to make you go into labor. S_x and walking is good though to help get your cervix ready if your not due yet, in my opinion
Ok, I took the castor oil at approx 2:45, and at 3:30 i was very nauseated, and had extremely bad diareha (sp?) it was like liquid, gross!!! but anyway, i felt horrible, i was sweating bad didnt last too long, and afterward i ate and drank stuff so i wouldnt be dehydrated. I'll never do that again though!!!! the taste is horrible (i drank about 2 oz) and nothing has happend so far, but its been about 2 hrs, so we'll see what happends...
I have been looking into natural induction methods and a homeopathic herb keeps coming up call either "black/blue cohosh" or "squaw root" it's ment to help induce labour but I would suggest if you want to try it to book in and see a qualified natropath as they will know what is safe and what is not. If anyone has heard of or tried this please let me know how it went.
The castor oil didnt work....its been over 15 hours and still nothing...the only thing it did was make me terribly sick... so i guess if your ready it will work, other wise, it wont. So i wouldnt even try it until after your due, your just causing yourself allot of grief if you do!!!
as long as you are will work. i used it with my daughter and it worked. i used it with this baby, and it didn't work because i wasn't dilated. it just made me go to the bathroom a lot!!
Ok - no longer 38 weeks and no longer pregnant... none of my induction methods worked for me. In the end I went into labour the day before my due date. I am not sure whether the castor oil played any part in the labour - but it was way too fast. Kymberlee weighed in at 10lb 11oz. And once on her way - there was no stopping her. The surgeons could not make the C-section decision as the head appeared before they did - it then took a further 4 minutes to deliver the shoulders as they got stuck, a surgeon had to reach and grab her arm and break it to get her out. I ended up with 2nd degree tearing.
My point is...what if all the pineapple, castor oil, curries and ma__sage oil played a part in Kymberlee's speedy entrance?
Take nothing unless your midwife encourages you to do so.
the first time i wrote that i took it, it didn't work, didn't even make me poop. i took it again the day before i was due and my newest little bundle joined us less that 12 hours later! was it the oil, i think so, i had just been checked by my doc and he said i had not even started to thin out before i took the oil. i only took 1 tablespoon straight, then relaxed! no mess for me or baby.
michelle, im so sorry about your daughters arm, i guess better than loss of oxogen, im 38 weeks but wont try caster oil, i am very impatient but will wait for the sake of my child, at least till 40 weeks anyway
i took castar oil at 4.00pm its now 9pm and nothings happened except bad case of runs!! be prepared to put ur toilet roll in the fridge... Not 38 plus weeks :O)
How long does castor oil take to work? I am 2 cm dilated, 50% effaced and 38 weeks along. I took the oil about 2 hours ago and still Nothing!!! No pain no poop. Nothing!!
I am 31/2 cm not sure how effaced I am. Took castor oil around 5ish and nothing yet. Losing alot of mucus sorry if anyone is grossed out by it I am. 39 weeks pregnant. Does anyone think It will work for me???