Feeling Sick-pg113103572218
3 Replies
I woke up this morning feeling really icky. No contractions or anything, just an upset stomach like I am not sure if I am going to throw up or not. Is feeling sick a sign that labor could be near? Or am I probably just getting a bug right now?
Ive been feeling the same way, but my doctor is inducing me on monday so it might be just nervousness for me. But Ive been having contractions often.
I've been having the upset stomach for the last few days, too, and the throw-up feeling. also tired all the time--just want to sleep. i see my dr next week, so if it keeps up, i'll be asking him.
i have been feeling really nauseas (sp) aswell. i have been having a hard time eating and getting the house cleaned. i went to the doctore today. i am 60% effaced dialated to a 2 and his head has dropped. i am due on the 11th. they stripped my membranes i hope this does something. if not i go back in on manday to schudule induction....