If You See Blood Seek Advice
1 Replies
hiya, i know all of you are clever enough to know that when you see blood late in pregnancy the sensible thing to do is seek advice from your midwife...
one of my friends friends was 38 weeks pregnant, and she started to bleed in the bath, didnt do anything bout it, 10 days later she had an emergency c section, and the baby is on a ventalator, fighting for his life.... all because she did nothing...
i honestly do not know why she didnt think of doing anything but i know i certainly would..
all im saying is please girls if you feel anything different wether movement bleeding anything, get it checked, it could be to late.... happy pushing !!!!!
teigan xxx
understand what you are saying...BUT...in the last stages of labor, some bleeding IS considered normal...after all, there is a lot going on down there, dialation, braxton hicks (sp), and among others women are constantly trying to do all they can to enduce labor on there own...i know that I personally would call...but NOT all women get freaked out by every little thing that happens. it is unfortunate about what happened to your friend, but that could just be something that she wasnt able to control, and if she is just a friend of a friend anyways, you dont really know if she contacted her doctor or not...sometimes docs are quick to dismiss you in a sense by saying that things like that are perfectly normal. good luck to you, and happy pushing, to you as well. happy holidays!