Losing Mucus Plug When Does Labor Come
4 Replies
I lost my mucus plug this last friday Feb 18. When am going to go into labor? I have heard many different things like it could be from 3 days to many weeks. How many weeks are we looking at? When should I think that it will come after losing my mucus plug? I am 33 weeks along and just wanting to know how I would know if I am going into labor with only menstrual like cramps and some pelvis pressure as well as losing my mucus plug? Please e-mail me at rebeccasmall12345@yahoo.com and help me know what to do. I don't do well checking back on the forums so please take the time and e-mail me. Thanks in advance.
| nat - February 22 |
i lost my plug at 34 weeks and went on to give birth at 41 weeks with no problems, as long as your waters dont go your baby will be very safe, dont worry
I lost my plug a few minutes ago. I am due on the 23rd of July. Can I expect to go into labor soon?
my sister just lost her plug, and the doctor told her to go ahead and be ready
I had a pink discharge the other day what is this