What's the earliest the doctor wil strip your membranes?
Depends on the dr, but I would think when you are full term and not before.
| jay - August 10 |
With my first pregnancy, dr stripped them at 38 weeks - and a different dr this time agreed to stip them for me at 38 weeks as well.
With my 3rd baby, the dr. wouldn't do it until 37 weeks. Now with my 4th, I was dialated to 2cm at 36 weeks, so he stripped them for me.
| AT - August 17 |
This is probably a stupid question I guess I'm the only one who doesn't know, but what exactly is stripping your membranes and what does it do? I'm due with my second baby and have never even heard of it before. :)
Stiripping the membranes is when the dr will take his finger and run it between the amniotic mebrane and your cervix. Its suppose to help labor start. Is that a clear enough answer? Some women say that it is painfull. For me, I just had a little discomfort.
| AT - August 17 |
Thanks for the answer I just didn't know do doctors do it on their own or do you have to ask them to?
Some times the dr will ask if you want it done but general it is something you will need to ask for. glad i could help.
I am 39 weeks and asked my doctor today if he would strip my membranes. He was reluctent at first, but then said if I was up for it he would attempt it. For me it was very painful, but only lasted about 5 seconds. I had some brown blood discharge shortly after and some menstral cramping a few hours after. It's been about six hours, so I guess it didn't work. It was worth a try anyway.
I had my mem stripped on tuesday a lot of pain and nothing came out of it.
I decided to get mine done this morning...I have some cramping but nothing more yet. Maybe a good walk will help get things going. I'll let you know.
Well its the next day. I had some contractions yesterday but they faded away towards the afternoon. Then I've been having more since early this morning and I think I lost my plug during the night. Had s_x with hubby to see if we could get anything going more steady this morning and it seemed to help. I started bleeding some after that...but the contractions aren't regular...sigh
Yeah i had my membrane stripped at 38 weeks and well its one week later and im still pregnant , even been trying s_x and iv been walking every day. i believe they will come when thier ready because obviosily iv been ready!
Well I think it helped get things kick started for me. had irregular contractions after the MW did it fri morning till 8:00 sat night when, after quick s_x, the contractions came ever 5 min. Sun morning I had my son. So I think it helped get things kick started for me but it wasn't alone what caused me to go into labor.
QUESTION: does the discharge come with a foul odor after your membranes are being stripped? i think my doctor lied to me and stripped my membranes without me knowing. he said he couldnt find the babys head, yet it was very painful with his finger up there. i am dialated to 3 cm. after the v____al exam i experienced bloody brownish discharge, and mucus in it that smells very foul. please help. thank you and good luck to you all with your pregnancies.