Membrane Sweep-pg111313354918
117 Replies
I've heard alot of you say that the membrane sweep hurts. How exactly does it feel? Does it burn? pinch?
| j - April 12 |
what is the membrane sweep?
I just had my baby on April 1st and had 5 membrane sweeps. Basically, it is quite uncomfortable. They asked if I wanted gas and air but I figured that if I couldn't get through a little pain now, how would I be during active labor. I had three different people give me a sweep and each time it felt diffrent. I know it may sound odd, but two of them were quite gentle. They only thing I could compare it to is a bad cramp. It doesn't last long, so don't worry about it.
It's more like bad cramps the pain doesnt last long.
| D - April 15 |
My wife had a membrane sweep yesterday. Despite the "horror" stories, it was a little uncomfortable at that time but no major discomfort overall (her words). I think it depends upon the individual, your body shape, etc.
| mw - April 15 |
just had one today. Was uncomfortable in that the midwife couldnt reach my cervix so she practically had her whole arm in there. doesnt hurt though (perhaps cos she didnt reach it properly!)
I had a membrane sweep yesterday. To say it was agony is an understatement.I just hope i didnt go through that pain for nothing!
Hi, I had one yesterday and it didn't hurt at all, a bit uncomfortable but a lot less painful than a smear, which is what it felt a bit like to me.
The midwife said I was already 1.5 cms dilated, which was bit of a suprise since I had not felt anything but now I am just really impatient to get things moving. I thought last night was going to be the one but this morning I am very disapointed to say I feel completely normal. Has this happened to anyone else?
Sam Parsley...I'm with you...When I had my membranes stripped it didn't hurt at all. I spotted a little afterwards and I really haven't felt any additional crampiness...I am due in 3 days.
Hello I'm from Holland and I have never heard tell of anyone here getting a membrane sweep before labour starts. Is this something that you request or is this a normal procedure?
I had one this morning. It did hurt a bit. Apparently as my cervix is soft (good sign) and far back the midwife had trouble reaching it. I have another midwife coming to do another one on Sunday if this one hasn't kick started things.
I just had one today at 2:15 pm. It was uncomfortable a little but was not painful. Just breathe through it and you'll be fine. I guess it really all depends on your pain tolerance.
im 3 days overdue with my first baby and having a membrane sweep tomorrow,
Just got back from hospital and had my 'membranes swept' - it didn't hurt at all, it just felt like the nurse was pressing on my bladder quite firmly. I'm hoping it works so I don't have to be induced ina few days. xxx
It feels like a period pain its not that bad just uncomfortable
Had mine yesterday. I'm due in 2 days The nuckles were the only thing that hurt. Hopefully I go into labor before the 6th he wants to induce me that wich means I'd be 2 weeks over due.
I am having my membranes sc___ped tomarrow! I was told this would probley brake my water, Is this common? And what really is a membrane sc___pe?