Mucus Plug Or Something Else -pg116357681489
1 Replies
Ok, here's the situation. I am 40 weeks, 3 days. I went to the doctor today to get assessed and we decided to induce me on Saturday November 18th if I didn't go into labor before then. She checked me and I haven't dilated more than 2cm, but have become about 75% effaced. As I am leaving, I go to the bathroom and have a lot of red blood and a large clot (tmi) the size of a silver dollar. I go back and she checks me again, and said it was not anything to worry about, just from the overzealous exam. This hasn't happened before, I always spotted brown, not bright red. My question is this-was that "clot" possibly my mucus plug and can it be that big? I am new to all this and probably overly paranoid, but has this happened to anyone else after an exam? It seemed like quite a lot of blood at the time, and was completely different than normal. Also, the last two exams I have gotten erratic contractions. Is this pretty common? Thank you and sorry about the gory details.
I'm not sure if this helps or not, but I am 35 weeks and I have been having contractions for about a week now. I had an exam last Wednesday and sure enough I had a large discharge of a jelly substance the next day, but no blood at all, just yellow. I then had it again the next day. I went back to the doctor two days ago and they examined me again. Now I have moved from 1 cm and 70 % to 2 cm and 80%, but this time I had tinged discharge from the exam and last night I lost more of my plug, now with pink. This morning I also had some but it was large again. I guess my point is.... it is pretty big.. I've lost some four times now and if it were all to come out at once, it would be quite a lot.