I have heard stories from the Internet that nurses in hospitals would shave your pubic hair. Is it true even for a va___al birth?
ive written it on my notes not too, my mum said it was routine shave and enema, it makes me cringe, like a rape of your personal things, im sure they said they dont in my cla__ses only shave a bit for cesarian
i never have been given enema or shaved and i have 3kids.
They don't shave for a regular v____al birth. I was there for my sisters, but I do shave. They shave like a little for a cesarian.
They don't do it anymore.
I wasnt shaved for given an enema with my first son, but my aunt had a csection and she had to be shaved a little bit, but she told them that they might as well shave it all for her since she used to before she got pregnant. lol
Thanks everyone! Your response put my mind at ease!