Vaginal Pain And Pressure
3 Replies
Hey i was wondering if any of you due soon are having increased va___al pains and pressure? Im approx 36 weeks pregnant and have been having more pressure and pressure in my va___a. Just the past day or so since ive felt more of a stabbing pain down there, but im also experiencing a menstrual cramping sensation too (which i have been on occassion for the past 2 weeks or so). Ive been to my docs and according to the test last week my cervix was a little short but i wasnt dialated. I go again tommorow.
Bella I have been having the same pains since i was about 36 weeks pregnant and I am now 39 1/2 weeks. Sorry they don't get better. I did research on it and it is from a muscle called a round ligament that stretches across your uterus. My cervix is short still also.
Bella, those are all good signs! Your body is telling you it's getting close, but it could realistically be a few weeks yet. Hang in there!
I have been experiencing all of that too. It was wishful thinking that I thought I was really super duper close to labor, but like everyone else I will be 40 weeks on this friday :-(. I thought for sure that I would have gone into labor already!!!