hi im 35.5 weeks pg and i have been getting alot of pressure and like a sharp pulling and stabbing pain in my va___a does this mean i could be dialating at all?
beckyjms, i would say yes maybe sorry iam not that good at this but i had the same symtpoms the last week and when i went to my OB appoinment on Wednesday she told me that my cervix was low and thinned out. but i am not sure if that is what caused it but i know before last week nothign was happening. and i am now 40 weeks yesterday and just waiting for lil one to come.lol.
| ash - January 2 |
I asked my doctor about similar stabbing pains. He said it was the baby's head bumping up against the cervix- which may or may not help you dialate. When I was checked at 36 weeks after having those stabbing pains occasionally for a few weeks prior I was at 2 cm. However, I stand now at 39+5 (due Jan 4) and at 2.5 cm (last Thursday).