What DID Put You Into Labor

66 Replies
Luc - May 9

We've tried it all!!!! she overdue by 1 day and we are on the induction list , her water broke over 36 hrs ago.... so anxious!


elisabeth1986 - May 10

walking did it for me with my first one, only time will tell about this one though


claire83 - May 11

for all the people that do not believe s____n softens the cervix it does but only when your body is ready to start this process s____n helps it along its a natural inducer, when your induced in the hosptial they actually use pigs s____n which is the gel they apply if this method is the one used


aedhot4 - May 12

Castor oil........6 hours later I was in labor....good luck!


momma3tobe - May 19

Pitocin. Both times. I got some pretty good contractions from walking though.


falafal0 - May 20

Nothing - I've had four babies, two overdue, two on their due dates, and only when they were ready did labour start...


Lolac - May 31

Having my membranes stripped and castor oil did it for me.i had my membranes stripped and the next day i took some castor oil and i started having contractions within 12 hours and went into active labor the next day


mielkeash - June 1

SinglemOm, personally...i don't know if any of the methods work. I've tried a few when was pregnant with my first one. None of them were personally responsible for me going into labor. However, walking would be your best choice. Cause even if it don't send into labor...it will for sure help when actually in labor. Help me. First child only 2 1/2 total with no shots of anything. Completely natural. Worked for the second child, too. She was only 1 15 min. completely natural. Walk...and walk...and walk....then hot showers till you water goes cold when you start to feel that you are in labor. Push it faster and feels good. Good luck:0)


elishevah - June 7

The natural occuring chemical in s____n is called prostaglandin- the way it works is it softens your cervix (helps you to efface) - this in turn will make it easier for you to dilate. Prostaglandin DOES NOT give you contractions Think of it more as a way to get your cervix ready. The ingredient in Pitocin is oxytocin- that is the chemical that actually produces contractions; this is almost guarunteed to work. Some natural ways to get contractions can be orgasm and blue cohosh and nipple stimulation using an electric breat pump; these are not guarunteed to work, but they have helped alot of women.


aliciavr6 - June 8

So far nothing has worked for me. I tried castor oil (only 1 tablespoon though), raspberry leaf tea, blue cohosh extract, walking, spicy food, eating a ton... the only thing that did SOMETHING was s_x, i had mild contractions right afterwards ALL day, 3 minutes apart. I mean, they didn't really do anything, but s_x definitely caused them so I think that's the best bet for any of us.


Shannon - June 10

getting my membranes stripped worked for me. i was a day past my due date when they did it though. about 30-45 mins after the appointment my water broke


hotpants74 - June 10

I haven't had to go through that yet, but I am on bed rest with not just no s_x, but also, no orgasm allowed. My doctor has told me that the contracting of the uterus that occurs with an orgasm could cause me to go into labor. This may just be a precaution and not something that really works, but he was concerned enough about it causing preterm labor to prohibit it.


vikki24 - June 11

i took castor oil & went into labor 6 hours later.. started off with contractions every 2 mins apart for 24 hours!


chinadoll2383 - June 11

i got the worst news from a friend who told me to take laxative and that would bring on labor but i research every thing back then and i read that it works but it would hurt the baby so i made her read it and then i told her off that night i had a weird dream that i had to rescue him and when i did three days later i had my baby boy i was under alot of stress for those couple of days


faithsmummy - June 12

caster oil works because it irritates the large intestine which is close the cervix that can sometime start off your labor but it could easily give you the runs as well. Sperm has a chemical in it which is similar the the postaglandin gel pessary that they use to induce you. Walking and bumpy journeys put pressure on your cervx (from the babies head) which can start labour. So can an orgasm and nipple stimulation (like a baby is feeding) both produce oxytocin which is needed for contraction of the uterus.


armywife79906 - December 29

I've tried Castor Oil a couple times. I came up with a great way to take the Castor Oil if you can't stomach the texture or taste. (When I'm pregnant, I can't.) I went to Dairy Queen and got a Moolatte and mixed it in. I got a large Moolatte and mixed in about 2 oz of Castor oil. I used to work at Dairy Queen and I didn't notice even the slightest change in taste or texture. Plus, that dairy will help the Castor Oil work faster. Yummy! I tried it in Orange Juice... nasty! I tried it in Dr. Pepper. In anything thin to drink, it just settles on the top faster than you can stir or shake, but with the Moolatte (iced coffee drink) it mixes in extremely well and didn't change taste or texture. :D



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