12 Weeks And Bleeding Red Blood
3 Replies
Hi everyone, I was reading some other questions and you all are so helpful. I am 12 weks pregnant and went to ER last night because I started bleeding alot. The blood was red and I freaked out. They checked all hormone levels and they are fine and they did a U/S and was saw the baby's heart beat and everything looked fine but I am scared to deatha nd can not see doctor till monday. Please tell me what you all think!!! Thank you so much!
I am going through the same thing...I am only 7 weeks though...And only minor bleeding but alot of cramping...I also went to the ER and everything looked great...I am worried too but I guess all you can do is wait and see...And waiting is horrible...Mine started Tuesday!...I wish you luck...Hope everything goes well...
I had the same thing happen to me at 12 weeks (lots of bright red blood gushing out of me) and was diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma, a blood clot behind the placenta. The bleeding lessened, but continued for about 2 more weeks and then stopped. An ultrasound confirmed that the hematoma is gone and now I'm 17 weeks pregnant and me and my baby are doing fine. Ask your doctor about this possibility, its very common around the end of the 1st trimester and most pregnancies with this type of bleeding turn out to be fine.
I Also have gone through the same thing. I am now 16 weeks pregnant and still have not gotten an answere to why at 12 weeks I began gushing out blood. There was no pian at all just lots of blood. The baby and I are fine. I am still spotting a little pinkish brown... I am afraid I go to the Dr. on the 15th. I have to wait a long time to get the resutls of my ultrasound. HAs anyone had this complication before?