6 Days Late Negative Test
1 Replies
My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a few months now, he is 32 I'm 28, I am regular and very consistent with my period each month, I track them noting everything from temp. to days we have intercourse. I started on the 28th month before last on the 19th last month which made me due for my period on the 17th of this month. I had my spotting due to ovulation on the 31st which was day 13. here it is day 23 still have no sign of it coming I have tried everything warm baths, heating pads, even s_x but it still has not come, this wouldn't be a problem except I have taken 3 pregnancy test, one 3 days after expected period date one yesterday and one again first thing this morning and they all have come up with a negative result. It isn't due to stress, I cant think of anything off the top of my head that I would be stressed over and I am not taking any medications. I called and set up an apt with my Dr. yesterday but they couldn't get me in until the 4th.. REALLY WHAT IS THAT!!! NOW IM GOING TO STRESS!! :) I have to wait another 11 days!! Has anyone else been threw this? What was the turn out? Does anyone have any advice?
sorry its day 35 not 23 its the 23rd of the month :)