7 Weeks Pregnant Empty Sac
831 Replies
I too just got a report of 2 sacs, 1 empty, 1 that has a yolk sac. I'm supposed to be around 6 to 7 weeks pregnant. If the baby does show up in the u/s later on; does this mean I'm likely to have twins? Or does one sac just dissolve?
Reading all these responses has been extremely informative. I feel like I know much more than my doctor shared with me today. Thank you.
leslie- if you are 6 to 7 weeks you should definitely see something in the sac. with or without a heartbeat or heart flicker. If its totally empty, but the other one isn't, its more likely that you have vanishing twin syndrome. It means that 2 eggs implanted (which actually happens a lot more common than people realize) but, only one is going to actually make it. Just be thankful that the one you see is going strong. :) you never know with the other, but you should definitely see something by now, even if it implanted late. If it doesn't make it, then yes... your body will just disolve it. You may or may not have a bit of slight bleeding when it finally pa__ses, but not always. Anyhow, congrats on the one that is good with a yolk sac!!!! and goodluck with your next scan, you just never know.
| liz - January 1 |
Hi Tamara,
I'm in the same situation. No baby on the u/s at 6 weeks 2 days, no symptoms of miscarriage. The doctor said it might be a blighted ovum.She said that at 6 weeks she can see the baby and heartbeat 70% of the time. She said maybe I miscalculated my due date, but I know I didn't. Does anyone out there know of a healthy baby that was not visible on the u/s at 6 weeks, 2 days?
liz, it may just be too early! Have you had your HCG checked? That helps determine if its going to be a blighted ovum. If your HCG doesn't at least double in 48 hours of each other. Anyhow, do you have another scan set up for 2 weeks? You should definitely see something in 2 weeks, but now may be too early. Goodluck!
I have a question i am asking for a friend. Has there been anyone who had a successful p/g after being possibly diagnosed with a B/O?? she is like 9 or 10 weeks and they didnt find anything her levels are normal and she feels fine but very scared.. i want to let me know of any sort of success situations.. she doesnt have a computer to be able to be on this site herself. any suggestions to her? thank you for any ifo that you can give me!!
Maggie- I'm sorry, but very doubtful. If she knows for sure how long she is and there isn't anything at 9 to 10 weeks, thats not a good sign. When I was 7.5 weeks, we could see the head, arms, feet, tail, yolk sac and his heartbeat was at 166bpm. When I was 11 weeks, he was so huge on the screen and was dancing all over the place. I have both of those ultrasound pics if you want to see what they looked like. I am now 22 weeks pregnant. I lost my last one at 12 weeks, but the fetal pole didn't make it pa__sed 7 weeks. Anyhow, you should definitely see something (actually a lot) at 9-10 weeks. So sorry!! My email is Jarhead4me2@aol.com.
| liz - January 2 |
Daniella, Thanks for your reply. Maybe it is too early. I am scheduled to go back in a week for another u/s. I'll be almost 8 weeks then. The waiting is really hard.
Liz - ya, the waiting does suck!! I wish you the best!!! Have they checked your HCG levels??
Heya guys, i just wanted to say a big thank you to all of you i found this forum when i first began having problems with my pregnancy, u guys informed me of so many thing that i didnt know about an later had to ask my doc (who wasnt offering any information) in the end i did miscarry but with all of your kind and loving word guys u made me see its not the end of the world and next time i will know exactly what questions to ask the doc's
Lots of love and luck
Donna Marie x x x
Donnamarie- first off I just had to say, I love the name. My name is Daniella\marie. lol... Second... I am so sorry for your loss... the good news is, the chances of another miscarriage is very rare. Its an unfortunate thing to go thru and it kills... but, you just have to stay strong and believe that it will happen again. Take care and goodluck!!!
I am 7 weeks (by the size of the u/s) into my third pregnancy (1 child and 1 termination because of health problems) and have been having problems. By my calculations I should be 10 weeks. I track my monthly cycle religiously and know what to expect. I started bleeding on what they say is the 6 week 3 day. I went to the emergency room and spent 9 hours to be told nothing other than to see my OB latter that day. I did receive my Rhogam shot. I went to the doc's office and sat for 3 hours for them to squeeze me in. The doc did a v____al u/s and said it did not look good. I have a bleed above where the embryo sac is and the heartbeat is only at 106. Also, there is signs of debris (blood and clots) in the actual embryo sac. She expected me to miscarry over the weekend. I have not. I went for blood work today and go back into the office on thursday for another u/s. Has this happened to anyone else. The blood inside the embryo sac?
hi there, is there anyone who got problem like me.
I had my first ultra sound in Dec1505 and found a heartbeat and baby is about 6weeks and three days old. I had spotting since saturday, Jan 7 till now. I went to have u/s and found empty sac and no heartbeat. Doctor asked me to goD&C, but I am am hoping that my baby is still there. Am thinking of getting another u/s. Any advice
Jun, I am sorry, but NO way!! that was a month ago that it was there and in one month the baby should have grown so much.. not where you would have any trouble seeing it. I have my 7.5 week ultrasound pic and my 11 week ultrasound pic, if you want it to compare. My Email is Jarhead4me2@aol.com. I'd be happy to send you the pics. Its so hard, I've gone thru 3 mc's and this one I am now 23 weeks... I couldn't believe on my other ones I ever thought there might be a chance.. but, I was 12 weeks and it showed 7 weeks and the heartbeat stopped.
I too had a empty sac or "false pregnancy". I had no symptoms either so the doctor gave me a D & C. I did not discharge the placenta for three more days. Miscarriage is painful. My second try was wonderful and at 6 weeks we could see baby!!! Good Luck
Lori- yea, at my 7 week scan (5 weeks from conception) we could see the yolk sac next to the babies head.. the little arms and feet and even the tail to him. That was at 7 weeks we could see all that. At 11 weeks, he looked like a little person swinging his arms and feet like he was dancing. At the 7 week ultrasound his heartbeat was 166bpm. So, if you don't see anything at 8 weeks, then your either wrong on your dates or if not, then... its just not looking good. The best way is to have a follow up ultrasound. Each week makes such a difference. Just make 100% sure that your comfortable with your decision to do a D&C. My last pregnancy I was 12 weeks, baby didn't grow pa__sed 7 weeks.. and heartbeat was there as only a flicker for 3 weeks and then finally stopped. Went thru with the D&C and got pregnant my first ovulation after at only 5 weeks later. Today I am 23 weeks with a healthy boy. So, I know now what a good pregnancy should look like. A dr. see's them all day and should know also. But, will do a follow up to make sure.
I had in 1992 an empty sac dr. however they ddnt test hcg level i was young then and they told me i needed to get a d&c or will turn to a miscariage eventually my stomach kept growing i couldnt take the sadness of expection so i had a d&c now 13 yrs later yesterday i should be 6wks/3days pregnant vag ultra sd there is something looked like tried to grow but ddnt finish b4 yesterday my on dec 22 my hcg was up to 1024 today results 1618 i am reluctant to disolve of preg in hopes that it can still grow they just didnt have an exact answer and needed a second opinon while doing vag ultra they ddnt see etopic either help!