BLEEDING With CRAMPS A Sign Of A Possible Miscarriage
5 Replies
Since June 22, I've been "spotting" at first it was brown, then in the past week it's been heavier and is now a bright red with some clotting here and there. I am a little concerned, especially since now I am getting some pains. I have chest pains from time to time, very light cramps that most women would have with their menstrual cycle, and I have this unusual pain near my rib cage. I am scared. Is there something wrong with the baby? Is it natural? Please, feel free to share what you know...
Oh, plus I forgot to mention that it varies. One minute it's light to heavy and back again.
You should go see your doctor.
Please see your doctor at once! This could be a tubal pregnancy and I just went thru that! It's very dangerous and almost killed me. I had light bleeding and cramps.
Okay, thank you, I will. I'll let you know what happens.
Wait. I heard that if you get pregnant right before your expected period, then you can still have AF along with regular cramps. Is that true?