Bleeding At 18 Weeks

1 Replies - March 30

I am 18 1/2 weeks pregnant and I am bleeding bright red, I have no cramping. This my fourth child but this has never happened before. Is this normal. - March 30

I am also 18 weeks pregnant and I have experienced spotting about every three weeks since I was 11 weeks pregnant. My doctor did an ultra sound each time and saw the baby was doing fine. The last time was at 17 weeks and my ultrasound showed that I had a low lying placenta. My doctor a__sured me that this was the cause, that my baby was fine, and that the placenta would more than likely move up as time went on. If not, I might have to a c-section. This bleeding was also pain free. My doctor did not seem very concerned about it, and told me to lay down when it happened. He said we would keep an eye on it and hope that it resolved iteself. If the placenta does not move, the condition is called placenta previa later in pregnancy. Good luck.



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