Cysts On Unborn Childs Brain
10 Replies
I am 22 weeks along in my pregnancy and found out yesturday that my baby has a cyst on the part of the brain that controls the spinal fluid. I also found out that my blood test came back saying that I was at a low increase of having a baby with downsyndrome. So my question is what should I be most conserned about right now?
I had the same results from an ultrasound at 20 weeks, but when they did my blood test it came back negative. It is possible your child has down syndrome, but they will do another ultrasound at 28 weeks to see if the cyst is still there. When they did my ultrasound at 28 weeks, the cyst was gone. I also know of other people who have experienced the same problem at 20-22 weeks and found out later that there was no problem. Technology is more advanced now, and the ultrasounds are much clearer so they see alot more, this could just be a normal palpatation on your baby's brain, or swelling and will go away in a few weeks.
Im 21 weeks pregnant and the hospital told me that my baby had a cyst on the skull. They said its really common and hat its nothing to worry about, but im terrified. What does it mean for my baby?
You Shouldn't be concerned! My daughter had a CPC at the 20 week ultrasound, too, but it was gone by 25 weeks, and believe me, the wait was the hardest thing I ever experienced in my life, but if it were to happen again, i wouldn't worry! There is a FABULOUS website that will help you :
I visited it every day during my pregnancy and the people are great. I honestly think CPC's are a sign of super intelligence! :-)
I am 21 weeks pregnant and had an ultrasound yesterday and was told that my baby had a cyst on the brain but that everything else (i.e., the spine, heart) seemed normal. What else could cause the cyst?
| ton - August 19 |
my daughter had 2 cpc's. It is quiet common for this to happen. They usually disapear before birth. I did have an amnio to verify for sure if their were chances. It came back negetive. and yes the worst part is waiting. If your really concerned about talk to your doctor you just might have other options instead of waiting for an aultasound 2 months from now.
| joy - September 20 |
My daughter is 21 wks. Her utrasound last weeks showed a cyst in her stomach but not her organs. It's about 3mm. Can you tell me more?
I am 20 weeks along and I was told today that my baby had a couple of cyts on her brain, we are praying it is nothing, the doctor told me also that this is normal, but I want to thank the people who shared their stories..........You made me feel a little as ease.
I'll be praying to! gobless you & your baby.
Our daughter is 20 weeks. Today, the doctor told us there is a cyst in her brain and refer us to another hospital for futher examination. I am terrified. Hopfully, everything is fine.