Patau’s Syndrome

Patau’s syndrome occurs when the baby has an extra copy of chromosome 13. This is also a trisomy disorder.

Symptoms of Trisomy 13
There are a number of physical attributes that are particular to those affected by Trisomy 13 and often contribute towards a diagnosis. These distinct features can include:

    - Small head size
    - Eye abnormalities, usually small but may sometimes be missing an eye or the retinas develop poorly
    - Approximately 60% of those affected by Patau’s Syndrome havea clet lip and/or palate

Other possible deformities a child with Trisomy 13 may have can include altered ear shape, extra digits on the hands and feet, and alterations in the palm of the hand. Additionally, 80% of Patau’s syndrome patients are born with a heart defect.

Outcome of Patau’s Syndrome
Most Patau’s syndrome babies do not survive more than a few days.  The majority of pregnancies with this chromosomal abnormality results in a miscarriage.  The odds of a live birth having Patau’s syndrome is 1 in 12,000.

Babies born with Patau’s experience many complications.  They are mentally challenged and have multiple physical abnormalities such as malformed feet, hands and facial features.  They may also be deaf and have difficulties seeing and smelling. This is usually a result of incomplete brain development.

Recommended Link
If your child has been diagnosed with Patau’s Syndrome and you would like to talk and find supported from other parents raising a child with Trisomy 13, visit Living with Trisomy 13.

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