Possible Low Birth Weight
2 Replies
I am at 32 weeks and I have chronic hypertention and have been on meds for it before and during the pregnancy. I have had no problems since being put on meds. My doctor ordered an ultrasound this week and said it came back ok but he wants to do a follow up ultrasound in 3 weeks to keep an eye on the birth weight. I'm very nervous about this and concerned. Can anyone shed some light on this and maybe help put my mind at ease?
Also gonna have a low birth weight baby... at 32 weeks u/s showed that baby is only 2.5 lbs. Have an u/s scheduled for this afternoon, to check on babies growth, placenta, amniotic fluid etc.... Dr. said that it's just possible that I have small babies, could be, but hope baby starts to grow more and soon, or it's gonna be tiny! I read that the smallest baby born that survived was 300 grams., less than a pound! And as long as your baby is between 4-5 lbs., and healthy when born, they'll let you take it home. Having a small baby is something to worry about, but hopefully yours is healthy and growing inside you, your next u/s, should ease some of your concerns. I'm 33 weeks now, maybe I'll write back after my u/s today and let you know how the growth is and see if someone can shed some light on low birth weight babies for us all!
Hi guys,
I have had two low birth weight babies. My son was a preemie and a stinking huge one at 5lbs 3 oz, born at 33 weeks, but still technically low birth weight allthough most of his weight was in his 97th percentile head lol. My daughter was very overdue, 43 1/2 weeks, and my ob/gyn refused to induce because she was small for dates. She was 5lbs 11 oz at birth due to her placenta not functioning properly and the cord being very kinked and twisted. It is a shock to have such a small baby, everyone expects a 7 pounder and small newborns do pose some special needs. Diapers just don't fit right and will sometimes interfere with the healing cord, clothing is harder to buy and all the "normal" accessories like car seats and carriers seem too large. I am now 11 weeks with my third and have come to the conclusion that I may very well have another small newborn. Both of my children did extremely well on percentile charts once they were well adapted to nursing and now they are both normal sizes at 10 and 7. As long as the apgar test scores are reasonable there shouldn't be any complications from a small newborn and wow is it ever amazing to look back in 10 years and see just how small he was.