Progesterone Supplements In Pregnancy

15 Replies
Terra J - December 25

Does anyone knoe if there are any side effects to taking progesterone supplements? I;m at 7 wks and insert 200mg of progesterone each night. I don't know if my side effects are from the supplement or just being pregnant.


K - December 26

Hi I used progesterone supplements until I got past 12 weeks. I really didn't have any side effects from them except for discharge which is normal. What kind of side effects are you having?


Erin - December 26

I used progesterone suppositiories and still miscarried my last pregnancy. They made me extremely tired and sick. I am now 5 weeks pregnant and spotting. Although my progesterone is fine this time (27 - it was 11 last time), she is putting me back on the progesterone. I asked if it was truly neccessary, because it is so miserable, but she says yes. Don't really understand the logic if my progesterone is in the normal range.


rl - December 26

well I used natural progesterone cream which had no bad side effects what so ever that is why I used that kind of progesterone instead of synthetic I had done a ton of research on it and found out the natual caused no problems and I am now 34wks with a healthy pregnancy I used progesterone cream due to I had a mc at the begining of this year and the doctor advised it was due to low progesterone levels good luck


Angela - December 30

I used progesterone for the first 11 weeks of this pregnancy and I felt much worse this time around than I did with my last pregnancy. I think it was all for the best. I am 18 weeks now and would go through it all again if I had to.


jenseygrl - December 31

I am 17 weeks pregnant and just began progesterone shots at week 15 because my last child was born at 26 weeks for unknown reasons. They say I have an "irritable" uterus and that the progesterone will help this.


Erin - December 31

I have heard of that treatment, Jersey Girl. It has a high success rate.


jenseygrl - December 31

LOL...everyone always thinks my user name is Jersey Girl...its actually nickname is mom calls me real name is Jenny. I've heard the shots help....I'm crossing my fingers.


Daniella - February 5

Jenseygrl- just wondering... what happened with your baby that was born at 26 weeks?? I have LPD and lost 3 pregnancies and finally put on progesterone supplements (also natural) and it saved this pregnancy. I was on them until 12 weeks and I am now almost 27 weeks... I am worried that I might need them to prevent me from going into preterm labor. Should I ask the doctor to test my levels again as I am hitting my 3rd trimester??


terese - March 3

Hi: I crave junk food and feEL very calm and sedated. I tested my levels cd 21 and they were 48. Thats high! Maybe I should stop taking it . DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW MUCH THE SUPPOSITORIES ARE SUPPOSED TO RAISE THE PROGESTERONE LEVELS? PLEASE REPLY!!!!!


ryansmom - March 5

Hi I'm six weeks now.Have had two m/c due to low progestrone and 1 healthy baby boy now 4yrs. thanks to supplements. I had every horrible side affect listed. But I would not trade it for the world. I don't beleive you can get to much only too little. I think your numbers should double about every week. I just started to spot w/ grainy substance in it and my NEW dr thinks I'm not taking enough. I should have blood work back tomorrow to know for sure. But please don't stop taking them until your dr o.k.s


terese - March 5

Thanks ryansmom! I guess I'm wondering if my progesterone is high because I am possibly pregnant (48 at cd 21) or if it is really just the medicine pumping up the numbers. Any advice?


fabi - February 13

i just found out i am pregnant. ttc for 6 months. my doctor says i am only around 4 weeks but my progesterone is low and put me on a once a day vag suppositories. i am so worried. what are good levels?


christinathomas - February 28

I am 9 wks pregnant and it is not the level of progesterone that determines if you are pregnant it is the level on the levels of HCG. I went through IVF and they put me on progesterone in oil shots for about 8 weeks as well as suppositories. I have discontinued the shots, but continue the suppositiories until 12 weeks. My levels went from around 100 on the shots and supp. then to about 55 the next week and this week it was 37.5, normal levels for the first 12 weeks are anywhere from 9-47. Higher is usually okay, just not lower then 9.


babywanted - March 1

i approaching my 7th week of pregnancy and I have been taking progesterone for the past week and the past 3 days i have been feeling nauseous, bloated, and tired. I can't figure out if these are symptoms due to the progesterone i'm taking or early pregnancy? can anyone tell me if they have had nausea when taking progesterone? thanks!


kerrberr - February 1

babywanted - I was placed on progesterone in wk 8. The feeling of nausia, bloating and being tired were normal pregancy symptoms for me before I began the supplaments. What eased my symptoms was reducing the constriction of my clothing around my stomach and sucking on sour candy or drinking lemon water.



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