Glucose Screening-pg110625760962
5 Replies
| CK - January 20 |
I have just failed my 1 hr glucose screen, and now have to take the 3hr test. Has anyone else failed the first test only to pass on the 3 hr? PLEASE!! I am driving myself crazy with this worrying.
hello i am 19 years old and in great health.... i failed my 1 hour test and worried sooo much...i went in to take my 3 hour and i could not wait for the results... of course i pa__sed it so the worry was not necessary....hopefully things go as good for u as they did for me
I just got news that I failed my 1 hr test as well...3rd child...never happened with the other two...anyways I now have to go for the 3 hr test which stinks, but considering I just failed by a point or two they dont think the 3 hr will come back off...good luck
Yes, I failed my 1 hour test. Go tomorrow for my 3 hour test.
What is the glucose test? When do they do it? I am only 10 weeks now with my first child
I too failed my 1 hour glucose test, but pa__sed the 3 hour.