Heart Shaped Uterus

108 Replies
Tina - May 27

There is a Yahoo! group for women with uterine anomalies such as bicornuate and septate uteri. If you go to Yahoo! Groups and search for "mullerian anomalies" you will find it. I am a member, altho I rarely frequent now, but I used to be an avid member a few years ago when I was misdiagnosed with a bicornuate uterus (I actually had a septum). The women there have a wealth of experience and information, go check it out!


Ann - June 7

I was diagnosed with a biconuate uterus, where my uterus is divided by a septum all the way to my cervix. I was pregnant 6 years ago and lost the baby after 7 weeks. At that time, I was told I will never be able to carry a baby to a viable age. 5 months later, I got pregnant with my daughter, I had her v____ally at 36 weeks with only the basic pre-term contractions starting at 30 weeks. Then I got pregnant again 2 years later, this time the baby was in my left horn, which is smaller than my right (where my first was in). I carried that baby until 31 weeks and had to have a c-section because she was breech. I am pregnant again, 33 weeks and doing well (this one is in my right horn). I just want to give some words of encouragement to people that have this condition. Good Luck and God Bless.


sam - June 11

I just found out I have a bicornate uterus by ultra sound. I'm 8w4d and we heard the babies heart beat so all is well there. I was told it is genetic and my sister was diagnosed a year ago with it when she had a miscarriage. I have done a little research and found that with this heart shaped uterus you have a higher risk of micarriage, premature labor and infetility. Also if you are able to carry the baby full term you may have to have c-asection b/c the baby may not have room to turn. Only 2-3 percent of the female population have this disorder. the doc told me that with this you may also only have one kidney, but I have 2! With this disorder you could also have what is called a septum which is a band of tissue seperating your uterus into 2 sections. this can cause it to be relly hard to carry a baby. You aren't able to see this by ultrasound though only through surgery so many women will never know if they have this or not. I feel very positive about my pregnancy and know the Lords will will be done and pray the He will take care of me and my little baby.


MA Mommy - June 14

I also have a bicornuate uterus. I too had some spotting during the first trimester, so I learned to relax and tried to medidate at least 15-20 minutes a day in an effort to manage my stress and anxiety. It worked. My daughter was born on her exact due date and weighed 5lb 11 oz. If you don't trust yor doc, get a new one. This person is going to be your partner in your pregnancy. You have to trust him/her each step of the way.


Sabbi - June 14

I have a heart shaped Uterus and my pregnancy was normal, the only "problem" I had was the fact that my daughter was only 4 pounds 12 ouses at birth just from lack of space. But I felt fine, she was fine, and the labour and birth was fairly smooth.


Sumbalina - June 18

I have a heart shaped uterus...I had a baby four years ago...he was 9lbs..but i was 2 weeks over my due date...because there was no dialation what so ever...and the baby was not coming down either...so doc told me to have a c-section...now we were trying again for the second one..but we could not concieve because of my heart shaped uterus...so doc gave me some fertility drugs and because of that now we are pregnant...I am due in January.


Joan - July 5

My heart goes out to Matt for his loss. I had a miscarriage last year at about 9 weeks. That was when I found out I have a bicornuate uterus. We were lucky to get pregnant again quickly. I was due with twins (conceived naturally) this April. Needless to say it was a very risky pregnancy (I am 36 too). The boys showed up at 28 weeks after more than 2 months of bedrest/hospitalization. Now, almost 6 months later both boys are doing great. It really is a miracle that we made it. I just wanted to encourage everyone to keep hoping/praying because miracles do occur!


Rabbya - July 5

My dr told me that you should try with progesterone n baby aspirin.if no luck,then u have to go thru surgery.


Amy - July 9

Hi I just had my first u/s at 7 weeks and it looks like i have a septum in my uterus dividing it into 2 sections. the nurse asked me if anyone ever told me i had a septum in my uterus and I never knew of it. At first when I saw it on the monitor i thought i was having twins but their is only one baby with a heartbeat in the left section. I have been researching this all morning and I keep seeing a greater risk of miscarrying due to the deviated uterus If anyone has some info or has had a similar situation, I would be happy to hear it.


shallamour (21) CONN. - July 18

I just found out that i'm 7 weeks pregnant. I also have a heart shaped uterus.About 4 years ago I had a miscarriage due to my heart shaped uterus.Now all I can do is pray that everythings o.k ! This web site made me feel better about this.I thought I was alone.Well god bless everyone and thier unborn child!


kimberly - August 2

i have a heart shaped uterus.and my baby has gastroschisis which is when the bowels outside its belly.im going to deliver early and im going to have a c section so tell your doctor about it.


SV - August 10

I have known that I habe a bicornuate uterus for 2 years, but my doctor said I shouln'r worry. Now I am 6 weeks along and scared because my research keeps showing bad side effects with pregnancy. This web site makes me feel a little better, I hope it stays open on this subject.


Addy - August 12

I too have a bicornuate uterus. Found out during my csec due to breech. Had a healthy boy at 37wks. Prev I had a missed m/c at 11wks. All of you that are worried of the unknown.....as my Dr told me....pregnancy is always a risk even with those that dont have an anomolie, but just a bit more with us. Just make sure to get an ultrasound early on, a Dr that is familiar with the condition, kick back and dont overdo it. Try to think positive and lo and behold you will be a mommy!


trish - August 15

you might have an early baby and you will start going into labor sooner when i hand my daghuter the earlist i had consrations as early as 2months so good luck it will be ok


Elisabeth - September 11

I also have a heart shaped uterus. We didn't find out until after my first was born by c-section. After 12 hour of induced labor never progressed past 3 cm. Doc says this is a normal thing with my condition. The uterus may not be able to contract effectively. After #2 c/s had a rough time healing but all went well that one was elective doc said it would be easier but I could try to vbac if desired. Now I'm pregnant w/#3 and a little nervous about having another c-section. Doc didn't tell me not to try for more but I am a little afraid of the higher risks. Both my dd were over 9lb babies (9/13 & 9/5) should I be concerned about higher risks with big babies? Haven't had first visit to dac yet, but I thought I'd ask other women with similar condition their thoughts. Thank you for help.


Addy - September 12

Just to expect a higher chance of a breech baby a poss a csec and a slight chance of an early delivery...but not necesarily. Every pregnancy is different I think. But if your baby turns with luck then you wont have any problem having it naturally. You may want to call your health ins and ask about a specialist for your condition. Or if you have a great doctor they may be good enough to pa__s you on to a Dr who is familiar with your condition. Otherwise push your Dr to go onto the internet and research your condition. You are considered a little higher risk with a heart shaped uterus and should be treated with care. I have to honestly say, if you end up with a csec, its longer to heal but think about it, I had him in 20min. Wow, not bad compared to some who are in labor for hours and hours. Id do it again in a heart beat. If you need support re this just email me anytime.



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