my last period was in aug. 2004 i went to a clinic and they said ill be due may 15 2005 after that i went to a doc when i was 4 months(i think) and he said i was due june 25 ive changed docs and ive recently descovered that when the latest doc gave me an ultra sound he didnt check for when im due....... this is a shock to me because now i dont know if ive gotten all my test, the correct test or most importantly i dont know if the baby is even okay because we dont know exactly how far i am 7,8, or going on 9 ???? i dont know what to do. is there anyway i can tell how far i am with out the doc? should i cuss his ass out? i dont want to switch because it might be to late. i dont even know what i should be concerned about or what ?'s to ask you guys because this is so over welming but please help.......... somehow
well i would ask for a u/s again and have them show you the whole thing doctors are humans too even when they think they have super powers lol they make mistakes i just suggest to request for another sonogram and tell them to explain it to you so then you will know for sure best of luck