Ok the doctor just called and my number have went up from 37.6 from 51.8 still not like she would like them to be and I am so tired of this I got tommorow morning to see what there going to do ....
Hey all. I have an IUD-paragaurd and a 4 year old son. I have had it for over a year and a half. I am always late with my period. However, this time I have been dizzy, nauseous, and irratable. I have also gained weight. Im not taking any chances. Im headed to the store for a test now. I will let yall know soon. This is too scary. Dont want another child, at least right now.
Hi ladies....I wrote on this forum about 2 months back, i thought i might have been pregnant, but that wasn't the case, thankfully...only b/c I do not want to get pregnant while having the IUD in...However, i am having problems at this time...I started having some dull pains in my lower abdomen, feels as though my IUD is moving around....I can not feel the strings...I have called my OB-GYN and i am very upset b/c they said they can not see me till Monday evening....i feel this is something serious however they don't, they said just don't have any s_xual contact from now till then...i was wondering if anyone else has had the problem where their IUD has come out, or up in the uterus....i am very scared right now....I think that i am going to tell my doctor that I would like for her to take it out and put me back on the pill....even though my son is a pill baby, i feel much better not having to worry about the problems that may come about with the IUD....So if anyone has experienced this same problem please let me know...Thank you....Tanya
I have a question. I had my mirena put in only 2 weeks ago tomorrow and I have been bleeding heavy for the last 9 days. Is this normal?? SHould it eventually slow down to nothing??? I was told since I Had it put in at my 6 week post partumn appointment that I shouldn't bleed at all. My dr is out of town so I can't even get any answers from her.
Any info would be great.
I bled bad before i got the Iud and I figured hey its supposed to slow it down to almost nothing and it never did my periods were heavy and every month. I hate the IUD ........
I am afraid my story doesn't sound any different from anyone else's story on here. I have had the 10-year IUD for over 3 years and although my period is not due for another 4 days, ever since the IUD, my period dates seem to fluctuate so I don't even know if that's accurate enough in 4 days to say I am LATE. Nevertheless, all of you seem to be describing some of these same annoying symptoms that I am having (b___st tenderness not like PMS, nausea, eating, can't lose weight even with diet and exercise, bloated feeling...etc). Not to mention I have taken 2 home pregnancy tests that both of them said negative. I will try again in 4 days however after reading these postings, I don't have a lot of hope that another negative one will mean I am not pregnant if these symptoms do not subside and I don't see a period here soon. I have just enjoyed reading everyone else's experiences and realizing that I am not making myself feel pregnant as my husband would like to think at this time. (Talk about denial!) If I am wrong, I will be happy to admit it since I like everyone else here obviously chose the IUD for long-term 99% effective pregnancy prevention. I am trying to remain hopeful that this is my imagination however, after 2 children, it's hard to ignore certain feelings. I will let everyone know how it goes so I can be added to these fascinating statistics!
Tanya` i have had that Merina IUD placed back in Jan this yr and I had it remove a wek ago due to my feeling uncomfortable and after having pain in the lower ab area as wel as having my regular DR check for the strings and am u/s done. it was high in my uterus and iit took my OBGYN a few nibs to coax the strings from atound my cervix....... I am back on the pill an d am feelin better now I am still tierd and that but am better now
I am actually having pains on my left side right now and waiting for the doctor to call and I am still bleeding bright red..
When I am sitting down and i move, i can feel something sticking me on my right side in the frontal part of my abdomen....I ave had it in for 3 years, have never had any problems...that is why i am so frustrated....i never get a period but i had one at the end of june and very light spotting about a week later, which scared me, b/c that is the same as i had when i was pregnant with my son...I have taken a test to rule that out, but reading everyones posts it appears that that really doesn't matter, so I guess i will have to deal with this until Monday...I am very upset that my doctor does not put this as a semi-emergency sort of thing....it is not very same if it has moved, especially up into my uterus.....Thank you....
I think I am off to the emergency room and see what they have to say .
i was going to tell you to go to the er i think you might be having a miscarriage...good luck!!
Holly we are all hurting for you, please let us know how things are going as soon as your able. god bless!
I will let you all know how things go as soon as my hubby gets home I am leaving ... He was supposed to be here
hello everyone I didnt go the pain eased up so i decided not to go ....
Tayna~ I had an u/ss to confirm that the IUD was there and it was but really high up into my uterus. hence the pain I was getting . it sounds like your is moving around inside I would if needed get into the ER ASAP. I dont see why your OBGYN didnt have you come in this week......As soon as you are able to have your OBGYN remove IT!! I know that you might not wantto have it removed but it might be for the netter..and no needto thank me Tanya i am always glad to help others when I am able too.......Holly please go to the ER if you get the pain again. we worry about you and the others here too