IUD Malfuction

726 Replies
Alicia - September 12

I talked to my doctor and because I coudnt feel mine and he told me its common for women not to feel there string because of the angle that they are in, or something like that! also i have the paragard but he told me he wraps it around the cervix,so it doesnt get in the way,, call your doctor though and ask just incase, becuz i only know what my doctor does and i also have a different iud!!


Jennifer (Hopefull) - September 12

I am sorry that I haven't written in a while. I have been really busy. I had another ultrasound on thursday. I am 18 wks and 5 days. I found out that I am having another girl. I also found out exactly where my IUD is. It is inside of my uterous. The doctor said that it seems to be lodged in the muscle of the uterous. He is not as worried about the IUD as he is about me getting a yeast infection that can get into the blood stream and even the amniotic fluid, which can harm the baby. He is also worried about how they are going to get the IUD out after delivery. Most IUDs come out either before or after and some are removed while still pregnant. Mine is inside the uterous so they will have to do surgery. I do not care as long as the baby is okay and I go full term, then they can do whatever. I say just take it out (unterous and all) Three kids is enough for me and my yougest is only 12 mo. old. I am excited now. I hope that all things go well from now on. I am tired of being worried about all this. I hope all things go well for all of you. I will try to stay in touch. I have to get an ultrasound every four weeks until delivery. I will keep you updated.


Alicia - September 13

Congratulations Jennifer on your pregnancy and finding out you are having a baby girl, nothing is more exciting then having a baby. Even though you had the iud put in so you wouldnt get pregnant i take it as a sign from god that you were supposed to get pregnant, and have this baby, that baby is special,, good luck to you and the baby and keep us all updated!!!


littleonewy - September 18

I just found out I am pregnant also with the IUD in, I have only had it in for 4 months, would you like to be a support group with me???


Alicia - September 18

Well good news for me, i went and got my iud checked out, i thought maybe it was out of place and thats why i was having spuratic bleeding for the past month and ahalf, my doctor says everything is fine, he wonders if maybe i might have a little polyp in my cervix that is causing friction thats making me bleed, because i always bleed after s_x.. he also thinks that it might be hormonal so he prescribed me birth control to take for 2 mos and see if it changes if that doesnt work, then he says my body just doesnt like it and that we are going to have to take it out,, so hopefully everything works out because its working as a bodd birth control for me,,,, sorry about the rest of, but atleast you get something good out of it all, take care


hey - September 18

littleonewy what type of IUD do you have I was just wandering because I have the copper IUD


Erin - September 18

I also have a mirena and just found out I am pregnany (home test). I have a 2 yr. old and a 6 month old, so I'm a littles stressed. I am going in tomorrow to learn how far along I am and to remove the IUD. Although it wasn't planned, I would be very sad to lose the baby. It sounds like this is more common than the doctors lead you to believe.


hey - September 18

I got the IUD because I was scared to get my tubes tide i am very scared to be put to sleep the doctors told me that the closes thing to that would be the IUD I got the copper IUD for 10 years I got the IUD in 2003 am still currently on it.I had it put in during my six week check up after having a baby. Now if I had to go through it all over again now that I know the factors of having an IUD ( meaning you still get pregnant easily apparently) I would had my tubes tided I have three childern and financially that is all I need. If I were to get pregnant I would keep it just make more financial plans I guess.


littleonewy - September 19

hey, I have the mirena, anyone else, my mother in law got pregnant on the copper one after haveing it in for 8 years. This whole situation is just really scaring me right now, I also have a 7 month old baby. Did anyone here choose not to have the iud removed after finding out you were pregnant what are the mast common bad effects of haveing it removed or not haveing it removed????


Alicia - September 19

it all depends on where your iud is when you get pregnant, if your ius is not in a way or harm of the placenta its better to take it out, and the risk of a miscarriage is minimal, but if its far back deep then when you take it out your percentage goes way up for a miscarriage, if you can take it out you should.( my friend had hers takin out when she was 3 mos and she had a full term pregnancy. if you decide to keep it in then your chances of going into pre term labor are high, but my doctor says he has delivered full term babies when mothers decide to keep it in. also i would consider your other pregnancies if you have history of early deliveries or if you go over due!! Basically though when they do an ultra sound they will be able to tell where the iud is and what percentages there will be if you decide to do whatever you do... either way your screwed with having to make a decision on wether to keep it or not because keeping and getting rid if the iud both have consequences, just really think about it and talk it over with your doctor and your spouse, hopefully i was a little bit helpful, good luck and everything will turn out fine,, keep us all informed!!!


littleonewy - September 19

Thanks ailicia, my doc, appt is wed, I had the confirmed preg, test done sat in the er, but I see my ob on wed. I hope the baby is ok, I am just really scared right now, and all I do is cry, thanks for posting here, now I have some support and suggestions, thanks a bunch. I will let everyone know whats going on wed.


Jennifer (Hopefull) - September 21

to littleonewy, I had the paragaurd iud and was supposed to be okay for 10 years. Well, I only had it for 7 months when I found out I was pregnant. I am only 25 and wasn't sure if I was through having children. My doctor convinced me to get iud since she herself had one and has had it in for 5 years. When she found out that I was pregnant she like to pa__s out. She was so shocked and sorry for me. I just think of it as an act of God. I am now 20 weeks and the iud id inside my uterous. I had to make a decision at 11 weeks to have it removed and cause a miscarriage or leave it in and weigh the risks. My doctor told me that the chances of pre term labor go up to 13% from 10%. The major think he told me that he worries about is a yeast infection. This could cause some problems. I am putting it all in God's hands so whatever happens, I know will be for the best. Good luck!


littleonewy - September 23

I am indeed pregnant, went to the doctor on wed, i am 6 1/2 weeks. baby looks good, here is the problem, I really need advice on this one. The father and I have 2 children and are not yet ready for another, he lives 5 hours away we are still together but not married, anyways I has my cervix stiched with my last pregnancy, so my doc is afraid of misscariage if she removes the iud. Its our choice but she thinks the chances are higher of the baby survivin if I leave it in. The father thinks I should have it removed becasue we are both not ready for another baby, but I honestly dont know if I can do that or whats best with this situation. I dont know what to do I am so sad. Part of me thinks I should have it removed, and god will do whats best. Please someone give me some advice.


Eva - September 23

littleonewy, I think that this is your body and your decision. This is probably one of the toughest choices to make, but ultimately it is your right to choose. Others might not like your decision, but that is the great thing about freedom. I understand how you feel completely. 5 years ago, I was in your shoes. I had 2 small kids and found out I was pregnant while on the pill. I was still with the father of my kids but we were not married and not finacially secure enough for another child. I was angry that I was put in this position because I was trying to prevent this from happening and it happened anyway. I chose abortion. Although I can honestly say that it was the best choice for me ultimately, that does not say how much emotional turmoil it put me through. Before this I would have never thought I would make the decision that I did, but then again I was never put in this position til it happened. People always say that they would or would not do something, but you never really know til you get there. I do have guilt and sadness when I think about how old it would have been and so on. I get worried that what if I decide to have more children in the future and I cannot conceive, like maybe that was my last chance and I blew it. But I know that I personally felt like I had no other choices. That was me. I do not necessarily regret my decision, I am just angry that I had to make a choice in the first place. But I do know that if put in that position again in the future, I would not go through it again. I am not telliung you what to do either way, just listen to your heart and it will tell you what is best. I will be praying for your peace of mind in all this. Eva


aundrea - September 23

well my siutuation is a little different they cant find my iud so i have to wait until the end of the month to find out if i am pregnant or not


alicia - September 23

hi this is for littleonewy.... i read over my post,, i know it is your body and you are going to do whats best for you,, i dont want people thinking that i am being mean,,you just asked for advice and that was mine,,, i wish you the best of luck in what you choose to do seriously. and may god be with you, you are in my prayers!!



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