my sister isnt due for another month, but they are talking about taking it early. The baby keeps going back and forth into the breach position, and now today the fluid is way down and she said they told her the babys bottom is not in the sac? Anyone ever heard of this? I havent. She goes back the day after tomorrow and they may have to take it then. Anything about this would be appreciated, this has been a long stressful pregnacy. Thanks
Hi Katie - I don't know much about low amniotic fluid, I just wanted to say I'm sorry your sister is having a rough time of it. The good news though, is that if she's 36 weeks the baby has an EXCELLENT chance of being just fine. All the major organs are developed and really the baby's just developing some fat (and some lung function) at that point, both of which can continue developing after s/he is born. Best of luck to your sister and the baby. ~ Marivic, 16w5d
Thanks soooooo much :-) I feel alot better