The same thing happened to me 4 months ago. The first doctor gave me an ultrasound, and there was nothing. got a second opinion, and there was a sac and a baby but no heartbeat. i was also 7 weeks. 2 days later, i started bleeding, and had to get a DNC. i don't know what causes it, i guess that it was just meant to be. keep trying though, don't give up.
Hi all, I have bad news from the ultrasound scan this morning. It showed an empty sac that only measured 9mm and at only 4 wks, I should be at 8.5 wks by now. My hubby (a dr.) was with me and the scan does clearly showed that it is not a viable pregnancy. Spoke to my sis-in-law (practising in family planning medicine) who thinks that abnormal rise in blood levels signals pregnancy abnormalty and even if there is heartbeat,etc, there is a possibility of miscarrying later on. Although the blood levels over the week rose up to 57478, my last blood draw on Monday started to drop to 57100. Therefore, the various tests and results do seem consistent that this is not a viable pregnancy. I was given pills to miscarry as the gynae felt that 4 weeks sac is too small to do D&C and if it is missed, there will be greater problems in future. So, this is my unfortunate story. Thank you all for your concern and please do not let my misfortune scares you, I am just a very unlucky girl. I am alright after a whole night's cry, at least I know what is happening now rather than be kept in suspense. Wish everyone the best of luck!
Cyn, sorry to hear what happened. I guess that makes two of us that had to miscarry nd I cried all night too. It just makes me think about all the women who are able to get pregnant and hold on to their babies and then when they have the baby they don't even want it. Just keep your head up and keep trying because there is plenty of time left in your life, I'm sure, for you to have a baby. LOL :-)
Thank you April. :) It reminds me of a gf who was initially thinking of aborting her baby and she finally did give birth to a healthy girl, while here we are, desperately trying to hold on to ours. Life is unfair, isn't it?
Cyn and April-- sorry to hear about your loss. I have been there, like many of us on this site. Euqua--my prayers are with you. It is very difficult going through pregnancy without the physical support of your husband. I, miscarried our first pregnancy the day before my husband deployed. That was tough. Continue to pray without ceasing and God will see you through any and all situations. I hope your pregnancy is successful! I am currently pregnant. I am concerned about my pregnancy also this is our third try-- and like many of you the numbers are not the greatest-- but I have seen a heartbeat. I am currently 6w3d. After m/c, innocence is lost. Pregnancy is scary and exciting and terrifying and wonderful all at the same time. It's so hard. I'm so glad we are here for one another.
Cyn and April - I am so very very sorry. I hope and pray that God gives you the babies you long for.
Thanks Lisa, I also pray for you to give birth to a healthy baby. Don't worry too much, everything will go smoothly for you. :)
Thank you Cyn. I know this must be a hard time for you. But God will answer your prayers, I have no doubt about that.
My numbers have been good. They went from 3900 to 7711, then to 19,000. I have another ultrasound on Friday and I am praying that I see a heartbeat. I am trying not to worry too much. I am not even spotting anymore, I hope that is a good sign. Good luck to all of you.
Hi, I had blighted ovum last Jan. and a d&e done after that. Only found that out at 8 wks after first u/s but I did have a bad feeling that something was wrong then - brown spots, aches and pains and symptoms going away. Found out 2 wks ago I'm pg again through hpt, but has been having brown spots again. I'm worried sick that I'm losing this one again, 2 in one year is just too much to bear. I should be in my 6th wk now. Had 2 blood tests this wk for hcg levels, first was 32000 and 48 hours later it's 48000. My dr won't see his ob patients until at least 8 wks since there's nothing to see in an u/s which makes sense. There's no point in worrying someone that there's nothing there just bec. it's too early. My dr's nurse said my levels are good but after awhile I thought, it didn't double. I want to call my dr back but they're closed now. Any similar experience or ideas? Any thought on my hcG levels?
hi yesterday i went for a regular visit where there did an ultrsa sound the doctor send me right away o er and told me that i had miscarry and that the baby heart stopped but they are looking forward for a DNC put right now i'm walking around with my baby dead inside me is that normal or are they suppose to take he baby out right away i am 9 weeks but i am still confuse they see the baby but no heart beat when 1week ago i heard my baby's heart fine. help please what should i do or think
I have read the postings, only too late. I had a d&c 4 days ago; like everyone else, my baby's growth was at 9wks instead of the 13wks it should have been and there was no heart beat after 2 ultrasounds. I did not have any bleeding or any cramping and before doing the d&c they did another blood test that revealed a hcg of 3300 when it should have been at least 7500 and my progesterone number was 9.95 and it should have been at least 14. I am so glad and encouraged that it worked out for you, Greg & Shannon. It gives me hope for the next time and now my husband and I have more information and a better knowledge of what to look for and what questions to ask the doctor. Good Luck! and I am praying for everyone; this is not an experience I would want anyone to have to endure.
I read all your postings and all these postings looks similar to my case. I am 8 weeks pregnant as per my LMP and 6 weeks per ultrasound. I am going to doctor every day and she keeps saying my projestron an my HCG levels are low. My HCG level at 6 weeks per ultra sound is 9000 and my progestron level is 18. I was going through some articles and they have written that is the range but my doctor called me yesterday and told me to have DNC. I dont know if i want to do that or wait for couple of weeks and check again and make sure if every thing goes well.
when i went to ultra sound she said she could not able to find heart beat but she could find the sac and she said every thing is alright.
Does the progestron level & HCG plays a vital role if not there should be some suppliments to increase them. IF any one in the same situation please provide me some help.
What Greg and Shannon are going through is exactly what I'm going through... I am about 6 weeks not and having brownish discharge, no pain, or blood... My HCG level at 6 weeks is 1180 and the dr. saying im suppose to be at the 50 thousands... So why have the normal range between 1000 and 80000? My ultrasound at 5 weeks showed a small sac as well but no heartbeat yet.. I'm going back for another ultrasound next week, well into my 7th week... Pray for me everyone that I keep this baby... My husband is leaving to Iraq in November and this is our first baby... Thank You All, KIT jkg5268 at yahoo.com
i was pregnant with twins and at 8wks only one baby had a heart beat well a week later both babies pa__ses away and i had a dnc done! its sad but it happens
Jessica, You have to keep faith. I had a doctor tell me today to have a DNC tomorrow, but after calling my ob-gyn, she said no way!! It's too early. My HCG level has only gone from 21,395 to 31,823 in the last week, but that means it's still increasing. And when you have lower levels, you just have to make sure they keep going up, avg is double in 48 hrs. When you get in the higher ranges it takes longer to double. It's so scary, I know, but don't jump the gun. Until it is certain. Hope things turn out for you.
i took my first hcg test on 07.08.05 the results were 5, i then took another hcg on 07.14.05 and the number went up to 115.. i began spotting pink, no cramps or heavy bleeding. i had an ultrasound done on 07.18.05, no sac was found yet, but the dr. said it was to early. i went for another hcg and the result was 5. does any one know what this means??!!!!