Low HCG Levels At 4 And 5 Wks Pregnant
741 Replies
Patti, your hcg #'s are doubling like they are supposed to, so unless you have other concerns, I would enjoy your pregnancy!!! Mine were very low to start with, but kept doubling every 3 days. They were just low in the beginning. so far yours look great!
Pattie, I forgot this: My hcg's were 14 dpo, 23.....2 days later they were 43, 10 days later they were 357. See...your are sooooooo much stronger.
did they ever figure out whether or not your pregnancy was in fact ectopic?
They never saw anything on u/s that made them think it was ectopic, so we were just going on my past experiences. I have had 2 ectopic's before and I know exactly how they feel, they both landed me in the hospital with the worst pain ever plus bleeding. And I never had a fetal sac those 2 times either. This pregnancy was IVF so we skipped the tubes altogether and I had a sac that kept growing on u/s with no pain or bleeding whatsoever. They are sending my tissue from dnc to pathology to make for sure there was embryonic tissue in there. Cause if there wasnt....its definately ectopic. I have awesome doctors. Thank you for writing!!!
Hello, I am having some very troubling issues. My fiance and I just found out last week that we are unexpectedly pregnant. However I am terrified. Over the last twenty four months, I have had 1 ectopic pregnancy followed by a heterotopic ( one in tube , and one inuterine ) causing me two have one tube damaged and one tube removed. The ER doc told me because of this it would be a miracle if I ever got pregnant again. Now we have discovered by the grace of god, the I am pregnant again. I called my doctor immediatley and we ran a check on my levels on Monday, with a result of 260 and again with a result of 465. The nurse informed me that my second levels were low for being 3.5 days later. I do not have any cramping but I am terrified of my levels. I am currently 5 weeks today. Last time I knew right away that something was wrong with my pregnancies (cramping and bleeding), but this time I feel, pregnant. I have two little boys, and this pregnancy feels just like my last normal one. I do have some very mild pain in my lower abdomin and back but nothing I didnt feel with my two boys. Could you guys tell me if I am stressing too much or should I really be concerned ?
Cate i was wondering how you made out with everything I have almost the exact same HCG levels as you at 5 weeks pregnant and thought they were kinda low but hoping everything will work out. Eceryone else seems to have such big HCG numbers. Please let me know how you are doing so mabe i can have some hope!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!!
Hello ladies! I've read all of your posts and my heart is really broken that you must experiece such a rough time! :-( Actually, I'm on the same boat.
I had a u/s when I was 6w2d and my OBG saw only a gestational sac and a yolk sac, although he expected to see a fetus and a heartbeat. He told me that he is just a little optimistic... I'm sure when we concieved, so here is no chance that this pregnancy is "younger", my OBG's machine is very good and accurate, so no doubt that we couldn't see something what actually was there.
My hCG levels look quite good:
Beta #1 at 14 dpIUI -- 54
Beta #2 at 17 dpIUI -- 183
Beta #3 at 24 dpIUI -- 2571
Beta #4 at 30 dpIUI -- 9000
* dpIUI = day past IUI
I experienced blighted ovum last year. At 8 weeks we saw just gest sac (no yolk sac, no fetus), I had a D&C a week later. I still hope that is pregnancy will be OK when we saw a yolk sac. Any experience? I'll have another u/s next Thursday.
Thanks in advance for every information.
Take care, (((HUGS)))
Hi Jana ! I would keep hope if I were you, My OB says that there is only a small chance of seeing anything but the gestational sac and yolk at 6wks. That He does'nt expect to see a heart beat or embryo until around 8 wks. He also uses the newest equipment, that is very accurate. Please keep me posted on how things turn out. I am scheduled for ultrasound on Mon. And my doc says he is not expecting to find a heartbeat yet , just the gestational sac. I will be 6wks on the day of my ultrasound.
Hi Shygirl, thank you so much for your post! We'll check my hCG level tomorrow and then I'll have a u/s - I think that on Thursday, but I haven't made a appt. yet. I keep my fingers crossed for your u/s tomorrow! Take care, Jana
Hi everyone...I've been wondering about the old crew who started this post (CATE, and BETH). As for me, It's now March and my miscarriage was in Jan. We are going to seriously start trying again. Tomorrow, going to a R.E. I may start clomid. I was reminded of my friend who had 4 mis. and at the age of 44, while using clomid, she gave birth to a baby girl who is now is middle school! I just turned 42 in Feb. so we'll be getting aggressive about treatment, now. I'm hoping there's one good egg left in there. My LH and FSH numbers are all normal, so we'll just have to wait and see. I think that good diet and a postive mindset are also very important, and I'll be trying to stay positive and not obsess too much. I'm wondering if that's not why CATE hasn't checked in, maybe she's in the Z O N E and just enjoying her pregnacy. Good luck to all you moms-to-be.
Tara-T. Its great to hear from you again. As you may remember I started clomid after 2 miscarriages last year. The first time of using it, I got pregnant(yay) and I'm now 10 weeks. I still get the lower back pain and front pain but no spotting. As far as I know, this pregnancy is going very well. I'll finally get a scan on 8 April to make sure there are no abnormality's but I"m confident everything is great. Call me greedy but I'd love to have twins so wish me luck.
To everyone else new to this group good luck and stay positive.
Bonnie: Yes, I remember and it gives me great hope to hear it. I'm a few days away from "O" so, we'll see.....I'm coasting on the old tale that we're "more fertile" first three cycles after miscarriage. If I don't conceive this month, probably try the clomid, next cycle. I'm open to everyone's prayers and positive vibes.... :- O
Hello Tara! So nice to hear from you. I've been following this post regularly ever since it started. Boy, when I look back at the beginning, it really makes me realize how far we've come. I'm so glad to hear that your trying again. It is a time of hope for you. As for me, we're going to start trying again soon. I must say, I feel a bit more educated now after going through the miscarriage and hearing the stories of other women and different things that can happen. I will definitely take the process one day at a time. I take NOTHING for granted now. I too have been wondering about Cate. I hope she know's how many people she has pulling for her. I'd love to hear some good news! I wish you this best this month Tara ; )...! Stay in touch. Your friend, beth
HI BETH! Yes, this forum has been a helpful support network, not only for me, but seems for many women. Today at 1:00 I go to see the reporoductive endocrinologist. I'm hoping for some positive news, or at least a glimmer of hope to help me muster up the courage I need to endure the process. Even if I do get pregnant again, and even if this one sticks....at my age, there's a 1:40 chance of Downs.....my husband and i have already decided that we wouldn't terminate, but taking care of a special needs child has it's own challanges. I continue to be comforted in knowing my 44-year old friend delivered a healthy girl after 5 miscarriages.....still, she's probably the exception rather than the norm. We have even been pondering egg donation, although it's very costly, and then there's a whole host of issues around that one. I never knew that having a baby would be so complicated, but then again, I never knew it was even a possibilty for me (since I'd never been pregnant before the age of 31). Nature (or God) has a strange way of working....I 'm asking myself how much "technology" I'm willing to involve in my desire for a a biological child and at what point is "technical, i.e. medical" intervention just too much. I've also been wondering if adopting a being from the "spirit" world (i.e. a biological brith) or adopting from the human world (adopting a being who's already here) is that different....it's all the same love and caring, isn't it? Sorry for so much pondering today...and thanks for letting me blather on...
Correction on last note: first time pregnant at "41" !!
Good luck w/ your appt. let me know how it goes for you. I do feel that no matter where or how your baby gets to you, the most important thing to do is to listen to your own intuition. I think life has subtle ways of guiding us toward a particular path and steering us away from others. You're doing the right thing by investigating all the possibilities that may be open to you. The more you find out about each, the more you can gain a "sense" of what may be right for you and your husband.
By the way, my brother and sister-in-law gave birth to a very healthy baby girl at 41yrs old. ~