Low HCG Levels At 4 And 5 Wks Pregnant
741 Replies
I am sorry to hear about of all you. My husband and I just went though our ten IVF and my first hcg leve was a 51 at 13 days. on 15 day it was 62 level, day 18 it was 86 level. my dr says he has patients with lower level have normal healthy babies. They have schedule me for a u/s at 28 days. they won't do any more blood work. But number 8 IVF was successfull, I have a wonderful baby girl who is 2. Miss carried 1 set of twins and 3 other pregancies. It nice to beable to talk to some one, who is in the same situation. good luck to you all and thanks for listening
Christine- your did your dr. put you on progesterone supps or anything else to try to help your HCG? progesterone supplements not only make your lining of your uterus thicker, it helps increase your HCG and is a potential for saving a pregnancy. Natasha- what is the news??
hey again,
just wanted to post that my hcg went from less than 5 (negative) 2 weeks ago to 1849 on monday a week ago!! Just did another test to see what it is now. dont loose hope girls i knew i was pregnant, all the symptoms!!! will keep you informed. :)
Christine- Nice to see a new face here! Hope all goes well for you! Sherri - Congratulations!! Im glad you got your BFP!! Natasha - how'd the ultrasound go? Im dying to find out and praying for you!!
Jennifer and Daniella-I went to the dr yesterday and they did an ultrasound and I am a week further along than last week. They saw more than last week…they saw an embryo and a fetal pole. They didn’t see a heartbeat though, but I am only measuring 5w6d from last week’s 4w6d, so I don’t know how often it is that they even see a heartbeat that early. The tech said that my yolk sac was twice the size it was from last week. So, things sound good so far. My pregnancy is still considered a threatened miscarriage though. One thing that discouraged me yesterday was when the dr came in after the tech did my ultrasound and said well we’re not going to rush into doing a d&c or anything (why would he even think about it if I have progressed from last week?). He went on to say that bleeding is not uncommon and that implantation of the fetus often causes bleeding. He scheduled another ultrasound for this coming Monday. I hope we will see a heartbeat then...although a girl I work with went in for her ultrasound at 7w4d and the dr told her that they may or may not see a heartbeat that early. Thanks for your prayers and concern for me, it means so much to have that kind of support. May God bless you both! I will keep the both of you in my prayers. Let me know about how things are progressing with you two. Sherri-Congradulations! I hope all continues to go well for you! I will pray for you!!! Christine-Welcome I hope we will be of encouragement to you! That's great that your hcg levels are rising! I will keep you in my prayers!!
Natasha- well, the good news is you still see it in there and it grew... Not trying to scare you the least, so please dont... just wanna share my story.. I know my exact day of conception. At 5 weeks 6 days we seen the heart flicker on the screen. Too early to pick up how many beats per minute, but you could definitely see the pulsating motion on the screen. At 7 weeks 3 days, the heartbeat was at 166 bpm. I have my ultrasound pic at 7 weeks 3 days and a good ultrasound website that has all the information for every week what the heartbeat should be, etc. So, if you want to Email me at "Jarhead4me2@aol.com" I will be happy to reply with the pic and site. I didn't realize how bad my last pregnancy was until I have seen how good this one is. I looked at a bunch of stuff online but it didn't really help because so many pictures were different and I didn't know if they were by the LMP or by conception, etc. But, I have my pic at exactly 7 weeks 3 days (measured exactly that also) from LMP. So, 5 weeks 3 days from conception. Hope that helps!!!
(copied from a webpage)----- The viability of the fetus can be doc_mented in the presence of v____al bleeding in early pregnancy. A visible heartbeat could be seen and detectable by pulsed doppler ultrasound by about 6 weeks and is usually clearly depictable by 7 weeks. If this is observed, the probability of a continued pregnancy is greater than 83 percent._______ Normal heart rate at 6 weeks is around 90-110 beats per minute (bpm) and at 9 weeks is 140-170 bpm. At 5-8 weeks a bradycardia (less than 90 bpm) is a__sociated with a high risk of miscarriage.
________ Many women do not ovulate at around day 14, so findings after a single scan should always be interpreted with caution. The diagnosis of missed abortion is usually made by serial ultrasound scans demonstratinglack of gestational development. For example, if ultrasound scan demonstrates a 7mm embryo but cannot demonstrable a clearcut heartbeat, a missed abortion may be diagnosed. In such cases, it is reasonable to repeat the ultrasound scan in 7-10 days to avoid any error.
Yes, they put me on progestrone injections 1cc every night before bed. the dr called this morning and they are going to have me come in on this thursday for another blood test to see it i am going up or down. Sherri that is great news, how did you know you were a neg 5 and how many weeks along were you when you levels were in the 1800. Heart beats can be heard after the 6 week of last cycle, with the right equipment. I think that scares me the most, I am afraid their will be nothing. Thanks for listening and I hope all goes well for all.
Here's my story: started clomid last month, I know exactly when I ovulated and conceived. When I was 2 days late for my period I got a positive HPT, 2 to be exact, cause I couldn't believe it. That was a Thursday. Took another test Friday and Sunday, both positive. Went to doctor on Tuesday, but there test came back w/ a very, very faint line, so the tested Hcg, cause I have had no spotting or cramping, and I have sore b___sts, frequent urination, nausea, exhaustion and am very emotional. Just found out today, my hcg is "borderline" at 17. Which to me is very low considering I am 5 wks and 4 days, which again I know is exactly right due to ovulation tests and when we had s_x. I had another set of Hcg drawn today, will know more tomorrow, but I'm am so upset and scared. Don't know what to think. Any advice or hope???
Gina- Okay, I will try to give you some hope. Is there any possibility that you conceived later than you think? I know you know when you ovulated and all, but is it possible? Heres why: I started trying in august. My lmp was august 1st. Got a very very very faint line on sep 8. Retested for like 2 weeks in a row, never got darker. Went to the doc and did blood work. Mine came back at 13. At the time, we thougth i was about 9 weeks, but by seeing the numbers we knew there was no way. Doc said he would be very surprised if i was even three. Plus i just had a m/c in april so that had doc very concerned. So I started doing blood tests quite often. First was at 13 on a Thursday, Second was 180 the next Tuesday, Third was 4500 the following wednesday (a week later). So my numbers sky rocketed and so far I am having a healthy pregnancy. My numbers look great, no spotting, no bleeding, and doc said we probably just caught it very early on! We think I am about 6 weeks now, so hopefully this will be your situation! But it is really hard to tell anything with just one number. Once you have your second test back it will be able to let you know if the pregnancy is progressing as it should. The initial number isnt really that important, it is just whether or not it is doubling like it is supposed to. (increase by at least 66% every 48 hours). So dont stress out until you get your second test back and see what those numbers say! Hope to help and good luck! Keep us posted on how things go!
Gina- yup! Jennifer is right... you need at least 2 test to compare. My HCG was at 134 at 13 days past ovulation (conception)... it was only the one day. So, I know for sure. 46 hours later is was at 370. Anyhow, if you take how it was tripling, backwards, then I would have caught a positive pregnancy if I tested even sooner than the 13 days. So, as Jennifer asked.... is there any way you can be earlier than you think?? Also, keep posted on what the results came back at.
You know, I just re-read your post... and I don't know how you had a home pregnacy test come back positive if your HCG was only 17. Most detect at the least 50 (or 25) and thats the 4 days early ones. The normal ones detect at 100. Unless your HCG went down when by the time you went to the dr. on Tuesday... Not sure, what to think... Guess it all depends on what your second numbers say. Also, you ovulate the week your HCG gets down to 0 after a loss or giving birth (unless you b___st feed).... I ovulated and got pregnant the week my HCG hit 0 from my last miscarriage. It took me 5 weeks for my HCG to get down to 0. and it was 9950 when I had the D&C. So, Gina... if you did unfortunately have a m/c... you weren't very far along, which would probably mean that it just didn't implant correctly... and you will ovulate very soon (if your HCG went down and you did m/c)... You don't need to take clomid to ovulate the week your HCG hits 0.. I only ovulated about 2 to 3 times a year. I didn't take clomid after my miscarriage and I did get pregnant the week my HCG was all the way back down. (Your extremely fertile after a loss or birth)_ Hope that helps... but, lets just hope that this one works out and you don't have to worry about that. Best of luck!!!
Well, thanks for all of your words of optimism. But got bad news today. My HcG dropped down to 14 and about 15 min. after I found out I finally started bleeding and cramping really bad. So definitely a miscarriage. I know exactly what day I pregnant and tested at home when I was 2 days, 3 days and then 5 days late and got positive Hpt. I a__suming my Hcg was high enough to register at the time, but then went down from there and was down enough when I went in on Tuesday. Now about the most fertile time, my ob said he didn't want me to try to get pregnant for 3 months, he wanted my body to settle down a little. Has anyone else's said this, as it seems you all tried/got pregnant right away. Just wanted to know. Again thanks for everything
Gina, dr's just say that because they want you to heal emotionally. But, I will tell you exactly why you can right now. I was 12 weeks pregnant when I lost my last pregnancy. I had a D&C surgery because the heartbeat had stopped. I went in 2 days later and the dr. said that my uterus was already back to the normal size and looked fine. Since you weren't very far along, your body is probably bouncing back to normal already. I would say that don't have s_x while you are bleeding right now. It shouldn't last too long. Figure in about 2 weeks from right now you will ovulate. I got ovulated 5 weeks after my D&C surgery and got pregnant. Never even got a period after the loss. I am now 10 weeks and the baby is strong and healthy. So many people ask me if its bad that I got pregnant so fast. I say, "if the body isn't ready, it wont get pregnant again." Also, I've had 3 miscarriages in the past in 4 years. This will be our first baby and this is the best pregnancy I've had. AND this is the one that I got pregnant right after the last. SO, I know it doesn't matter. Anyhow, in 2 more weeks.. have fun! hehehe ;) Best of luck!!
Gina- Just as and additional piece of information, as a registered nurse I can tell you, although part of why doctors tell you to wait for a couple of normal cycles, for emotional reasons. They also ask you to wait because conceiving to early afterwards can in fact increase your risk of ectopic pregnancy. Although many women concieve successfully immediately following miscarraige. Many women also have complications with ectopic pregnancy or repeat miscarraige. Medically and emotionally it is best to wait at lease 1-2 normal cycles before try to concieve again. For most the benefits of waiting will strongly outweigh the risks of trying again too soon.
I disagree Tracy.... Most dr's say to wait to TTC again because of knowing your date of conception. For instance, if you conceive before getting your period after a miscarriage, then you can't go by your LMP for validation. You are right though, "if" you were far along. Most woman miscarry before they even knew they were pregnant. If you weren't very far along at all there is absolutely NO proof that you getting pregnant again is going to increase your chances of ectopic or miscarriage. I've lost my right tube due to an ectopic. That was my first pregnancy. Pretty much the only way your going to have an ectopic is if your tube is damaged. Having a miscarriage doesn't damage your tubes. If you were further along in a pregnancy and lost it, you "may" the rate of another miscarriage may be higher because the lining of the uterus may not be ready for implantation. This being said, if you weren't that far along, your fine to get pregnant the first ovulation after. Wont hurt!! As long as it was just one of the unfortunate miscarriages and nothing else wrong. Gina- keep posted, I'm sure you will be fine and the next pregnancy will be great, regardless when it will be. Take care!