Low HCG Levels At 4 And 5 Wks Pregnant

741 Replies
Jennesse - September 1

i'm really sorry your going thru this hun, honestly it doesn't sound good, nor does the way you were treated today, a good practice would have looked into it straight away for you. How are you feeling now, has the bleeding stopped? I would go to your local hospy or at least ring them and ask their advice, try your ob's rooms maybe see if he's back or if someone there could help or give some advice.... i definately would do something, you are obviously going out of your mind doing nothing, and you will just stress yourself... try to relax as much as you can and call someone to ask advice, hospy or ob or someone, or just go to hospy. Did you see anything on the screen when you had the u/s, did they get a heart reading? good luck please let us know how you go.


hleon488 - September 1

Hi everyone I have been away from the forum after my miscarriage. Awilliams86 all I can say is that i wish you all the best and even if it seems so frustrating at times don't loose hope I've been there but remember that...


AWilliams86 - September 1

So bad news for me...went to the hosp at 130am with extremely heavy bleeding and huge clots. I was sent directly over to my ob's office to go over everything that was happening. I am now sched for a D&C on 09/04/09 and am extremely sad. Good luck to all of you that are having the same problems or any problems for that matter.


Blong - September 5

AWillams86, I am so sorry for your lost. My prayers are with you and your family. I have a update for my situation. I went to the doctor today. I am so happy to say that I have found a doctor to actually listen to me. I had blood drawn today and I have an ultrasound scheduled for the 15th of this month. I listen for the baby's heartbeat everyday since I purhcased my own doppler and I have been getting a heartbeat. The heartrate today was 142. I have gotten one upto 166. I am so glad that I am making some progress in getting an definite answer regarding my pregnancy. I just hope and pray that all is well since I have probably went about 3-4 months without any prenatal care. I will give a update as soon as one is available. Thanks for all of your support ladies. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. God bless each and everyone of you.


TriaB - September 18

Hello all, I found out I am almost 6 wks LPM and my HCG was at 398 on Tuesday and I am terrified about losing this baby. I spotted a little bit last week but nothing since then no cramping or pains. I do have a bladder infection that I am treating but no other symptoms. I had more blood drawn yesterday and I am impatiently waiting for the results. Haven't really had a lot of pregnancy symptoms but I can't really go on that because my son who is almost 8 was a smooth pregnancy. No morning sickness or anything else.


annmarie17981 - October 6

I just wanted to add to this thread. I found out I was pregnant about a week ago and my hcg level was only 81. I was not quite four weeks. I went bacj three days later to get re tested and my levels had gone up to 255. My doctor wasn't worried even with the first level of 81 but I had a miscarriage a few months ago and wanted to get some peace of mind so I asked for the second test. I was really worried that it was going to be bad but so far all is good. Low levels at the beginning aren't necessarily bad. I hope this helps any of you who are also worried about the same thing.


sue069 - November 17

I really haven't posted since I lost my last pregnancy in late June. My husband and I just went through another round of in-vitro in late Oct and found out we are pregnant again. My HCG was 54.6 on Nov 11th and they re-tested my levels on Nov 13th and they were 105. The nurse congratulated me and said they want to see me this Friday 11/20/09. I am a nervous wreck because I am not really having many pregnancy symptoms I was having last week. Is this normal??? Please HELP!!!!!


sherry7788 - February 25

Hello everyone, I have been reading this thread for a while now and I thought to share my story. I missed my period two weeks ago and did a home pregnancy test which came out positive! I was very excited, I immediately scheduled an appointment with my regular doctor to confirm my pregnancy. I went there on monday, my test came back positive again, however I was having very mild cramps in my abdominal, similar to period cramp but very mild. I told my doctor so she scared me to death. She told me that this might not be a viable pregnancy, She sent me for bloodwork. I waited one day and finally got a call from her. My hcg levels were 174 and I was 5 weeks pregnant. She told me that this was too low and that my pregnancy was not going to happen. I cried a lot... I called my obg/gyn and explained her my situation. She called me in for a blood work. I waited one day and I did not get any call from them. I started having more cramps, This time I was having pain in my lower back and left side of my abdonimal and my pelvic area. I was scared! I thought what if i am having an ectopic pregnancy. I called my doctor, she told me to go to the ER. I went to the ER with my husband. They drew blood and took urine sample. Blood work showed my numbers doubling everyday. So I was at 1200 by thursday! Urine test didn't show anything. They took me for an ultrasound, and saw nothing in my uterus and nothing in my tubes! they doctor "highly suspected" Ectopic pregnany. I was scared to death by this time! I went home cuase they could not do anything at the point. They told me to come back if I start having extreme pain. I was devastated. Saturday I told me hubsnad that I didn't wanna end up with a ruptured tube so I want to go to Er again on sunday. Went to ER on sunday, again they drew blood took urine sample, it turns out that I have urinary tract infection which was causing the pain. My blood workd showed hcg levels of 4800!!! so they doubled everyday! Went for an ultrasound, they saw a small Sac in my uterus! also a cyst on my left ovary which was also causing me pain! So far things look good for me and I was very happy! I hope to hear my baby's heartbeat in about two weeks! Every women is different and can start with very low hcg levels, as long as they double i think we should be fine!


angelbaby_2k7 - June 16

I sat and read all your posts and they hit close to home for me. My husband and I have a 6 year old daughter who was concieved because I was told I had cervical cancer that would clear through a preganacy, which did. Now my husband and I have been longing for a baby for some time now. We have tried for about a year and a half to concieve. Back in september I had a postive pregnancy test, went to my first visit and three days later started spotting. I went and got checked and was told my HCG level was low. I only spotted 2 days and everything then seemed fine, to my disheatache my HCG level continued to drop, eventually being none. Then in december I was doing laundry and felt a big gush in my pants, went to the bathroom to see lots of blood and I knew then without even a positive test that I had miscarried again. I was sad and discouraged. Now just a week ago I had a positive test. Now I have seen a specialist to find out why the miscarriages and I have something called MTHFR which causes high homosetine which causes blood clots. The viens that attach the placenta to the wall get clotted causing the placenta to detach and me to miscarry. As of this point I do not know my HCG levels (have to wait for results) which can be frightening. I was told to have successful pregnancy blood thinners may be required. I have grown my faith with the lord. At first I did not want to tell my daughter because it was hard for her to understand why I lost the baby the first time (she never knew about the second.) but my words to you ladies are dont let your fear over rule your faith. After that had sunk into me I have now told my daughter and EVERYONE I am expecting. I will know my HCG results tommorrow or Friday. So extra prayers for me will help and girls keep your heads high! Melissa :)


angelbabydoll242 - June 17

I have been trying to get pregnant for about 4 years now. Still not pregnant. I feel little jolts and thumps near my ribs. I have PCOS and have had a negitive pregnancy test (from DR). and had an ultrasound done and they said everything was fine. The ultrasound technician did look just above my pelvis for a fetus/embryo. but said there was none that she could see. (done june 4, 2010) The ultrasound was centered mainly under my ribs. Could it be possible that a baby was missed because I am carrying it differently? And if she didn't know to look for one to begin with could she have missed signs when doing the ultrasound under my ribs? Has anyone had anything simalier happen to them? had a negitive preg. test and/ or missed baby on ultrasound and had a baby months later? Please reply and let me know. Thank you. Nicole andgelbabydoll242-at-yahoo-dot-com


sherry7788 - June 17

Hey melissa, I am so sorry about all that has happened :( it is very depressing.. but hang in there, I was about 7 weeks pregnant(according to the doctors) but i had some pain so i had to go to the ER, they did my ultrasound and they didn't find anything in my uterus, however my doctor ordered another ultrasound about a week after and they were able to see a sac only, then another week after a heartbeat and I was only 5.5 weeks pregnant, may be you are early, have them do another ultrasound after a week... but please be patient and just pray.


HaveFaith2008 - June 20

Oh my goodness ladies, I can't believe that I still get e-mails about people posting on this blog. I started this two years ago and I am so happy to see that some woman are getting their questions answered and able to find support from each other. I must say that from the original post I did miscarry but not but a month later I got pregnant and had a beautiful boy and here it is 19 months later and I am pregnant again. LADIES...keep your eye on GOD, keep saying prayers, even though it doesn't seem like it in the time of sorrow, remember that God is always there and when you don't think he is listening he hears every word you say and he catches all the tears you are crying over losing a baby. It is so easy for people to say "it is meant to be" or "there is a reason", people that don't go through a miscarriage does not understand the pain a mother feels. I UNDERSTAND, and you need to grieve and its okay to be mad, just remember take your anger to GOD that is what he is there for. PRAYING for each one of you!! Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.~ Philippians 4:6, NLT


MommaHutch - July 31

My husband and I had been TTC after a tubal ligation reversal surgery for about 7 months when I got a positive pregnancy test. We had actually been taking the month off, so I wasn't sure exactly when I ovulated, but I got the positive was REALLY early. Between 9 and 12 DPO. That was a Friday. Tuesday morning I had a blood test it showed hcg at 19 and prog at only 8. They said right away they thought it was ectopic and I started to cry and explained I was sure I had a luteal phase defect, and I started spotting every month only a few days after ovulation. Something that happened this month too. I began spotting about 3 days before my positive test, and it slowly got lighter and lighter, but wasn't completely gone when I went to the Dr. After some discussion they put my on progesterone and I went for a second draw on Thursday. They did not tell my my prog level, but I'm sure it was higher since I've had no spotting since 13 DPO when I began the Prog, but my number had only gone up to 22 in those two days. Still not even high enough to be considered pregnant on a qualitative test. Now it's Saturday and I am not sure what to do. On one hand I want to wait until Monday, on the other I feel like I'm just prolonging the inevitable and feel like I should stop the prog and just let my period start and try again.


Draven - July 31

Hi I just sat and read all of your comments and I need your help. I found out that I was pregnant only two weeks ago as I was suffering alot from the usual symtoms of a bad back, being sick and also having some abdominal discomfort so I went in for an emergency scan and I was at 400 HCG. They kept me in over night to check to see my point score in the morning and they came back at 575 which is not what they expected. Apparantly I was supposed to be at least 800. I was in hospital for 4 days as they repeated the blood test 48 hours afterwards, but it only went up to 700? Now I am going back tomorow for another test, but they say if my test doesnt go up significally they will have no choice but to give me the injection to stop the growth. Im terrified and really upset as I dont understand why they would terminate my baby if it is still technically growing. They cannot locate it on the scan as Im not far into my pregnancy and having polycystic ovaries I havent had a period since I was 14! I dont know how far I am all I know is this isnt right. Its not ectopic and its not failing so why is this happening. Please help as this is my first pregnancy and after all these years of being told I cant concieve I dont want to lose this chance to have my own family.Please.


Draven - August 1

Unfortunately I miscarried :( so there was no need to terminate as my baby wasnt ectopic it was just hiding behind a cyst in all my scans. My points dropped from 700 right the way down to 410 in a day! This is so difficult as it was my first pregnancy and now I just dont know what to do or how to feel, both me and my partner have just sat in silence since we got home. I hope MommaHutch you are ok, let me know what has happened I hope all is well :) xx


MommaHutch - August 1

I'm sorry for your loss Draven. I am still hanging tight until Monday. I won't terminate unless they are 100% sure this is an ectopic pregnany, because after the shot you have to wait a long time to TTC again. I will update when I know more.



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