Pregnancy After A Myomectomy

826 Replies
Lid27 - December 28

Hi Ladies I wanted to get some help from you all I was told today I have 3 fibroids 2cm, 4cm and 8cm on the outside of my uterus I have to have surgery my gyno recommened a doctor to me should I go with her recommendation what questions do I ask I want to get it done as soon as possible so I can get it over with im a little scared but I have to do it cause if I dont I cannot get pregnant I was told now that the fibroids might of been the cause of my loss at 21w 4d this past October I checked the doctor out in the texas board of medicen and all she has bad is that she overcharged a patient insurance in 2004 but thats it how long does it take for them to schedule a surgery once you find the doctor you want to go with please help if anyone is from Houston TX and know a doctor let me know please


katarinak - December 28

I wish all of you HAPPY, HEALTHY and PREGNANT year 2008 from the bottom of my heart. Love: Katarina


sasha777 - December 28

Happy Holidays everyone! It's Sasha here. Been away for a minute but I always find the time to read the blogs and get inspired from all! So happy that we'll have three babies joining us in the next few weeks! :) As for me... I just finished taking my last pill (bcp) and am waiting for my first cycle to come on. Just picked up a great book called, "Fertility and Conception." It's an amazing read focusing on just that. I pray and hope that my husband and I will have success getting pregnant in the next few months. If any of you have any advice on ttc please share it. In addition, please keep me in your thoughts my blog sisters! :) I will continue to do the same for all of you!


katarinak - December 29

Lid27-I am from CT, so can't really help you, but just wanted to let you know, that my surgery is approaching slowly January 24th. And I am very scared and doubtful. I believe no matter which Dr. you pick you will be always doubtful, because noone knows what God's plans are for us. Even the best doctor can make mistake. And I heard from few doctors a lot depends on your own body's healing process. Some individuals' body tends to create more scar tissue then others. So we all just have to believe that there is a baby in the future for all of us. I pray for all girls on this website, because we all deserve it. HAPPY, HAPPY 2008 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


MsMonet - December 31

Hello Girls- Just wanted to share some New Years Inspiration with you all. Title -Just keep walking! "WE GET KNOCKED DOWN, BUT WE GET UP AGAIN AND KEEP GOING" 2 CORINTHIANS 4:9 (NLT) Pastor Mark Coleman’s son, Peter, inherited his dad’s love for hiking. When he was just five years old, the two planned to hike around a mountain and camp beside the lake. Mark told his son it would be a tough hike. He said they’d be tired, but they’d have to keep walking in order to make it to camp before dark. But it was even longer and harder than they expected. The little boy grew weary – but he kept walking. He slipped on loose rocks – but he kept going. He fell and ripped the knee of his jeans – but he kept walking. Finally, after one slip too many, he sat down on a big rock and started to cry. As his dad approached and began to talk, Peter cut him off, saying, ‘I know, Dad. It’s okay to cry – as long as I just keep walking!’ Paul says, ‘We are pressed on every side but not crushed and broken God never abandons us. We get knocked down, but we get up and keep going. We don’t look at the troubles we can see right now we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come last forever’ (2 Corinthians 4:8-9,18 NLT). Today if your journey’s long and hard, it’s okay to stop and rest (or even cry), just as long as you keep walking! ‘How?’ you ask. By ‘…keeping [your] eyes on Jesus…from start to finish…’ (Hebrews 12:2 NLT). Allow Him to be your example, your inspiration, and your greatest motivator.


jasp - January 1

Hi everyone. Happy new year to you all and lots of baby dust to us all....Kat you are in my prayers it will be over before you now it I know Iknow better said tha done but I been there I know.I will also pray that lord guide the hands of your surgeon.It is a very scary thing but just remember we are all here for you.When i had my surgery I didn't know about this site and I know if I did It would have made a lot of difference to me and my gyn. I was Lucky that my gyn did my surgery she was very open I could call her anytime with any ?s and she was there with answers or rea__suarance.and the other thing that eased my mind a bit was that she had another gyn/surgoen from her practice in there to help so i thought she would not just stand there is something was being done wrong. Trust me you will be glad whn this is over. If you have any ? ask away .We are all here for you.......Sasha good luck and have fun ttc I hope to be joining you soon .......MsMonet thank you......Lid 27 talk to your doctor its how he/she aswers your ? and how confident they are when they answer. Some will answer your ? without hesitation some will avoid your ?s if you have any douts move on cause this is all about you.


Lid27 - January 2

HI Ladies I hope everyone had a good New Year I wanted to ask you ladies I posted before that I have 3 fibroids 2cm, 4cm, and 8cm on the outside of the uterus I have been reading your posts does everyone need does shots to shrink them an is a lap myo better than a myo and I have read that theres certain things you can stop eating so they can shrink a little or help them not grow is that true have any of you tried it like red meat im sorry I keep asking questions im just nervous and a little scared of the surgery is the surgery dangerous can you die of it I have faith in god and in my virgin of Guadalupe that everything will be alright I pray everyday for you ladies msmonet I pray every night for you and for your babies im gladyour almost there if anyone has any advice or wants to share their story with me I need all the info I can get so when I go to the re that was reffered to me I can askall kinds of questions please help me my appt is on January 11th thank you so much ladies in advance


Lid27 - January 2

HI Joker as im reading the post I see you got an epidural so you where awake at the timeof the surgery thats one of the most things im scared of getting general anesthicia I have never had it and it scares me to death if I can have an epidural that will be wonderful ooh I hope so


damajuana - January 2

My best wishes for the incoming year to you all Ms Monet, Joker, Kat123 how r u?. Sasha I am in the same stage as you are, the difference is that I already had my first period without pills. So we are in the funny part of this process!. Good luck to you!. Lid 27 the same questions that you are making were the ones I made to my sister who is a doctor before having the surgery. She told me that first I should trust my doctor's recommendation, but in the case I wanted to check something that I should read only scientific articles, published in medicine journals, with statistical representative results to get good information. So, I asked for her help and we read an article at Medline, which said that laparoscopy is indicated in the case the fibroids grow inside the uterus, when they grow outside or in the walls, the best technique is the open surgery. Also the laparoscopy depends a lot on the surgeon experience and ability to use it(and in my country is not very well developed), in the open surgery they open so they are completely conscious of what are they doing so you don´t depend so much on the doctor´s skill. Finally my sister told me that fibroids that grow outside the uterus can be obstructing the uterine artery (one of mine was about to do so) and if the surgeon cuts in the wrong place you can bleed a lot and have other consequences, if they can see directly what they are doing the chances to cut in the wrong place decrease; so I decided to trust my doctor, my sister and Medline and have the abdominal open surgery. This was my case, ít doesn´t mean that it will be yours, if you are not sure you can ask for another professional opinion, but once you decide who will do your surgery try to trust the doctor you chose, it´s very important to feel at ease with her/him.


sandra-d - January 4

Hi everyone, really glad to have found this forum. I've always suffered with very heavy and painful periods and am scheduled to have a myo. on the 22nd of Jan. The largest fibroid was 6cm when I had a v____al scan in Aug. I'm wondering if this is large enough to warrant surgery. I'm 30 and have been ttc for about 2 years. My scans show that the fibroid may be blocking one of my tubes. I'm not worried about the actual surgery just the aftermath. Believing God to see me through. God bless x


Joker - January 5

LID27, I'm sorry you have fibroids and have to go through the surgery, but it is worth it. To answer your question..nope I was not awake during surgery. I was given general A and a epidural and let me tell experience is I didn't feel a thing! I didn't know they were going to offer me the epidural but as soon as they did I was like YES! I don't know if that is a normal procedure to offer it or if my doctor and anestesian were trying something new..I think I remember them saying they were trying something new with patients to see if this would help with the pain and help the patients take less painkillers, or need less pain killers over shorter period of time, next time I see my doc I will ask..I never really thought about it afterwards...but for me it was great...when I came home I didn't really need to take pain killers but believe me I took them every 4 hours on schedule...I would just prefer to keep the pain away than finding out if I really needed to take them..but as the days went on I only took one when I woke up to get me feeling ok to move around and one towards the end of the day. A week after the surgery I went out with some friends all day..we went out to lunch and then believe it or not shopping until the evening, and although I was still very sore and move body felt great and when I got home I couldn't believe I was out all day and honestly from that day from doing all that slow walking I just got better and better..Lid27 I hope this answered your question...I think I kind of went of the answer your next question about diet..I have read those articles and there really hasn't been any major studies on the diet issue, I have heard people say it is the hormones they put in cattle..that may be true and it may have an affect on fibroids or your body in general but I don't think it causes fibroids..but if you think that may be true you can certainly cut back on the red meat..or just eat a healthier diet.. damajuana answered your question about the difference in the lap and abdominal myo was great.. I know I couldn't have wrote it so clearly. It really depends on your situation and what you hope to accomplish after the surgery. I read somewhere that ab myo was better for women who want to become pregnant after surgery because the surgeon is able to better repair each incision site than with a I'm sure that depends on where the fibroids are may have fibroids that would be better removed by lap than an ab, but that is really up to you and your doctor to decide. My only suggestion to you is don't be afraid of the myo (i'm not telling you to choose the ab myo) I only want you to know not to be afraid of it or better put don't let fear of surgery be the deciding factor on which one you choose..I know it is easier said than done but choose the best option for you and your situation. Hello to all, especially the prego mommies...this must be so exciting counting down the weeks...soon it will be days, then hours!!! Take Care everyone!


KM Williams - January 7

Hello everyone, I been reading this thread for awhile now and decided to post my story. I am 26 years old and my husband and I have been trying to have a baby since Feb. 2006. I knew I had fibroids since 2003 but was told it wasn't the reason I wasn't getting pregnant. After a sperm a___lysis on my husband and month after month of disappointment I found out I was pregnant Sept. 29, 2007. All was well but in my 11th week I got intense fibroid pains. Went to the ER was given medication and released. On Dec. 28th had mild pain didn't think anything of it. Took it easy for a few days. However, on Dec. 31st at 2:00 am had to go to the ER. After waiting 2 hours for a room. Took off my clothes and noticed the bleeding. I was given morphine which did absolutely nothing for the pain. I was given a pelvic exam and told the worst case scenario by the doctor. Hoping for the best I was sent to get an ultrasound done in which the ultrasound tech wouldn't answer my questions. After being escorted back to the room I gave birth to my daughter at 19 weeks. I am really having a hard time with this but what makes things even harder is I have to make a decision about an operation that may take my chances of getting pregnant away permenantly. I have 2 known fibroids. One was located right next to the baby.. like a twin was 9-10 cm and the other was at the foot of the baby. It was about 6 cm.


Joker - January 7

KM Williams, I am truly heart broken to hear about the loss of your daughter. Please be strong and you will get through this. Were the doctors able to tell you if the fibroids caused the pre term labor? Most doctors won't say the fibroids caused pre term labor but they do contribute it. I had a huge firoid located right next to my placenta when I was pregnant and eventually the placenta loss to the fibroid. I understand your anguish to having the surgery but why do you think having the surgery will lead to you not being able to have children. There are a few women here who have had the surgery and are now expecting, MsMonet with twins and hopeful, they are due in a few weeks. The only thing I can recommend is to take some time and think about it. I had the surgery because in all honesty I would rather have the surgery and hope and pray to get pregnant again than not have the surgery and have those things inside of me everyday and fear getting pregnant and having the same outcome. You have to decide for yourself what will be best for you. By the description of your fibroids they seem big, the 2 large ones I had were bigger than yours. I wish I had the answers for you, but these fibroids will only get bigger and if you were to get pregnant again before getting them remove they would probably double in size earlier on..if they did not shrink down. Fibroids grow fast when you are pregnant, my personal opinion is that if you choose not to have the surgery that you wait until the fibroids shrink. I don't know how long it will take them to shrink. I was 24 weeks when I lost my little girl and my uterus was huge. This happened in June-06 and I did not have my surgery until March of 07..because we had to wait for the fibroids to shrink, that was almost 9 months later and the fibroids were still huge and my uterus was the size of a 20 week or so pregnancy at the time of surgery and over a pound of tumors were removed. What I'm trying to say in this long post is to please seek medical advise before you decide on the surgery. I know the thought of it is scary but there are success stories here to encourage you if you do have the surgery, I hope to be one of them sometime this year! Take Care


healing . . . . - January 7

KM - Wow. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can totally understand your grief, frustration and confusion about your next steps. If you have to, get more than one opinion and do your research. But if there's one thing that a high risk OB said to me it was this: The greatest predictor of what will happen in your future pregnancy is what happened in your past pregnancy. I wouldn't want to risk having another miscarriage, or worse, a baby born very prematurely. And like Joker, my fibroids didn't shrink much six months after my miscarriage either. I just had a myo 3 months ago, and hopefully I can start trying to get pregnant again in another 3 months. Even though I know I'm going to be scared to try again, I think I would have been practically paranoid if I didn't have the myo. But again, your loss is very recent, your pain is fresh, so please take your time to grieve and to do your research. We are all here for you, and will keep you in prayer.


katarinak - January 9

Sandra-d- my surgery is Jan24th, so by the time you will be leaving hospital I will be being admited. Have a good luck , hope for best and I will be praying for you as well. :-)


katarinak - January 9

KM Wiliams- I lost my son in August 2007 at 24 week (my first pregnancy), we held him while he was still breathing, but unfortunatelly he was to little to make it. It has been almost 5 months since that and I am not doing any better. I thought by now I will accept it and move on with my life, I did accept that I lost him and I have medical issue which I have to take care off before another pregnancy, but I am still crying a lot, thinking about him a lot, grieving a lot. I have really hard time around toddlers especially boys and pregnant woman. I am going to have a surgery on 24th full of "what if" and feeling pretty scared. But at the and I will know in my heart that I try to do my best to try to avoid loosing another baby during next pregnancy. No matther what will happened in the future I need to know that I did all I could to prevent this from happening again. So just wanted to let you know that your feeling are normal, I trully belive that each of us is going through this pretty scared, doubtful, confused, very very sad, depressed (especially seeing all healthy pregnant woman around), but it is what it is and I belive Good has plan for each and every one of us. So we just have to believe in him, believe in ourself and hope that at the end, one day we will be all holding our babys. :-) and appreciating them so much more. I am sending you a lot of love and positive energy.



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