Preterm Labor-pg112156080118
1 Replies
Hi. I am currently 34 1/2 weeks pregnant and have been hospitalized twice in the past week for preterm labor. When I was check on Thursday, the doctor said I was dilated to 2cm and 80% effaced. So they put me back in the hospital at that time and treated me with Trebutaline. Once everything was quiet they sent me home. My doctor wants to keep me from delivering for at least 2 more weeks. Do any of you have any experience with this? At 80% effaced is it reasonable to think I could go 2 more weeks? Thanks!!!!
I am 35wks pg and have been moniterd for over a month because of preterm labor. I havent dialated just yet.But my cervix has moved forward. Just take it as easy as you can for the next few weeks (Im on bedrest) The more your up and moving the baby pushes on the cervix and therefor it tries to open. Good luck with you