Progesterone Level

1000 Replies
Becky - August 29

Erin-If you are only spotting after intercourse I wouldn't worry. The spotting is almost certainly coming from the cervix which is very vascular right now due to your pregnancy. I had this in all of my pregnancys and although it is scary, this does not hurt the baby. If you start spotting even when you don't have intercourse then I would take the supplements. It won't hurt to take them now if you want to. Progesterone is a natural occuring hormone in our bodies and sometimes our bodies need help maintaing those levels. But I wouldn't worry about the spotting though-like I said if it only happened after intercourse it is due to your cervix. Good luck and hope this helps.


Erin - August 29

Dear Becky - Thanks - I did have one teeny teeny bit of spotting on Thursday morning after a bowel movement. More like a bit of dishcharge tinged very slightly brown. I was nervous, so I went to my doctor right away. He did an ultrasound and said everything looked good for dates (5 wks, 4 days) - gestational and yolk sacs, but too early for anything else. He took blood and didn't call, so that means all is well. He also gave me the progesterone supplements, really only to calm my nerves I think. He's not convinced I need them. I thought long and hard about it and decided to take them. It's only 100 mg a day. Anyway, no spotting since taking them and morning sickness has set it - 6 weeks today. Fingers crossed for my next ultrasound, which isn't until 7 1/2 weeks! Doctor seems to think it's all going well...


Nicole - August 29

A little worried this am. Had a slightish brown discharge and brown clot this am. I have a call into the doc, but can't help but feel a little anxious. Anyone heard of this, and everything still be ok??


Erin - August 29

Nicole - You can have this happen and be OK, or it can be low progesterone, or a normal (chromosomal) miscarriage starting. The hard part is just not being able to know. You need an ultrasound and to have your blood tested. Good luck. It could be just fine.


Nicole - August 29

Erin- Thanks for your reply. I talked to the doc's office. They stated not to worry unless the bleeding increases, or turns red along with cramping. She stated that the cervix is very vascular right now also, and just bumping up against it can cause bleeding. Brown means old blood though, which is better than new blood. She didn't offer an Uls or blood. I just had blood done last Thursday, and numbers looked great. Maybe I am just over-reacting! Seems easy to do now-a-days. :)


Erin - August 29

I had light brown spotting this time, too, and ultrasound and hcg showed all is well, so I guess often it is. I have had bleeding with all my (5) pregnancies, both good and bad - 1 little girl (spotted all the way through), 1 blighted ovum, 1 miscarriage due to endometrial polyp, 1 ectopic, and now this one.... Morning sickness just hit like a brick today at 6 weeks (exactly like with my daughter - no morning sickness with the failures), so I'm feeling optimistic now. I'm taking 100mg progesterone on the safe side, as my progesterone is only 11.7. My 5 wk 3 day ultrasound only showed the sac, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for the next one in ten days.... This nausea, bad as it is, keeps me from worrying, though.


Jen - August 29

One of the other forums ent_tled chorionic bleeding is helpful as well. I think that is what it was called.


daniele - August 29

can you get preganant after your two week ovualtion stage?


Stacey - August 31

As so many of you have been saying, it is so comforting to read these posts and know I am not going through this alone. Thanks to all for sharing so candidly. I am a 33-y-o mother of one (3-y-o son). I had absolutely no complications with my first pregnancy, other than the fact that it took over a year to conceive. I just found out that I am pregnant again (took another year this time). I had brown discharge for the first several days/week (now stopped), and I was concerned that I might have also pa__sed some tiny bits of tissue (anyone else had concerns about that?) At 4 wks my HCG was low, 234, but progesterone was normal, 26. The dr retested three days later, and my HCG was up to 445, but my progesterone dropped to 20. She had me retested again 5 days later (yesterday) and the results in today are great on HCG, 2003, but my prog. is down to 12.5 (Nurse says it should be 15). I am starting 200mg Prometrium tonight (pill) and have an u-s scheduled for next Wednesday. I am very nervous, especially because conception hasn't been easy and I also have some autoimmune issues (anyone else have that?) Although I haven't had anything I would describe as cramping, I have felt some strange achiness and twinges and possible some mild uterine contracting. Anyway, I wish everyone here all the best and welcome any thoughts or advice any of you may have.


Misbah - August 31

I am so relieved to hear that I am not the only one. This is my 3rd pregnancy after a 12 year hiatus!! I started spotting around my 5th week and found out I was pregnant and also that my progesterone levels were low. I never had this with my previous pregnancies. I am not these progesterone shots every night (v____ally). I absolutely hate the feeling and am so very very tired, and fatigued. My doctor said that it will help to maintain the pregnancy. I hope all will be well, and wishing everyone a healthy pregnancy!


Nikki - September 1

I'm not pregnant yet. Finished my first round of clomid (50 mg)this month and had my first progesterone level test yesterday. They said my level is 14.5 and that I probably did NOT ovulate. After reading some info on the internet I'm not sure if that's right or not. Can anyone PLEASE HELP? Did anyone ever had lower levels and did get pregnant? Thank you and good luck to all of you out there.


Denise - September 2

I am 7 weeks pregnanct and my progestrone level is a 13.8. Should I be worried. I had a u/s on 8/26/05 and we saw a fetal pole and heartbeat. They also have me on 400mg of v____al sup. What do you think? I am so confused.


Nicole - September 2

Denise, I was put on progesterone after I found out my level was 9.4. A week later, it went up to 19. Progesterone helps a healthy pregnancy. If the pregnancy isn't healthy, unfortunately, it won't help. It is great you saw a heartbeat, and that should rea__sure you. I am about 7 weeks also, and have yet to have an uls. I have one scheduled for the 16th. Can't wait to see a little heartbeat. Get the faith, and take those suppliments.


Nicole - September 2

Oops, I meant Keep the faith. Jen, did you have your Uls on Tues???? How did it go????


Jen - September 2

Nicole, Thanks for asking, the uls was awesome. Keep the faith people. We saw a heartbeat, I was only 6w4days. It was the most exciting thing ever. She said sometimes the lab can be wrong. I'm still on the supplements. Istopped bleeding the day of the uls of course and she couldn't find anything wrong in there. I spotted a little today but nothing like before. We are finally getting to be excited! Thanks for all your encouraging words, It really helped. I'll keep you posted.


Michelle - September 2

I have had 2 miscarriages, and now in my 3rd pregnancy, I am 12 weeks. I have been on progestorone since I found out, (since 5 weeks) and my doctor said to keep going until 14 weeks. He said my placenta would take far so good. We saw and heard the heartbeat at 9 weeks. Going again for another ultrasound. Good luck everyone.



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