Slow Heart Rate At 6 7 Weeks

376 Replies
MrsDubya - April 1

*Correction: At 7 weeks 5 days the heart rate was 93.


msworry - May 1

Hi u have more posobilitty im going through the samd thing im 7 weeks 5 days preggo and my babys heart rate is 77 bpm im really worried but i have hope i trust god and ive been praying a lot i have another ultrasound tomorrow afternoon...i took 3 years to get pregnant so u might understand how we feel let me know how it went with u...


msworry - May 1

Hi u have more posobilitty im going through the samd thing im 7 weeks 5 days preggo and my babys heart rate is 77 bpm im really worried but i have hope i trust god and ive been praying a lot i have another ultrasound tomorrow afternoon...i took 3 years to get pregnant so u might understand how we feel let me know how it went with u...


Maude120 - September 17

We went this morning for what we thought was an 8week ultrasound, only to be told that the baby was sizing more like 6w4d, with a low heartbeat of 78bpm. My midwife was not terribly optimistic but they're testing blood from today against blood from Monday to have a look at the levels. I've had no morning sickness but terrible headaches and intense b___st tenderness. I'll be speaking with my midwife tomorrow morning and will bring this up, but here's something odd--I was WATCHING the monitor while the tech was doing the u/s (v____al) and though I saw the 78bpm reading, I also saw 158 at one point. Isn't that odd?


jennieml78 - October 29

So thankful for everyone else's posts. Feel less alone. I am 6 weeks pregnant via IVF w/ICSI (3 day fresh ET on 10/3/14). Had 5 week sono 10/21/14 all looked good. Today saw fetal pole, CRL measures 2mm and heard heartbeat. Was only 56 bpm. My doc didn't say anything re the hr. He smiled, congratulated me and gave me sono pics. Told me to come back in a week. Afterwards I had bloods drawn by same nurse that was in sono with me and I asked her re the heart rate. She said "oh I don't think that was the heartbeat, not the best machine, next week you will be in better room". I left and then emailed the doctor with my concerns that everything I've read said normal hr for 6-8 weeks should be 120-180 and that below 70 bpm is almost 100% miscarriage. His response was that at this early stage hr wasn't significant and to be exact "There is discrepancy in what you read in determination of gestational age at 6 weeks. We determine based on fertilization and add 2 weeks. The actual gestational age is 4 weeks. We do not always see a Fetal heart beat at this stage as the heart only is developed to point of beating within past 3 days and is 1-3 mm in size. This is why I say we can recheck next week when the rate is more significant." I am so confused and worried. Any advice?


jennieml78 - October 29

So thankful for everyone else's posts. Feel less alone. I am 6 weeks pregnant via IVF w/ICSI (3 day fresh ET on 10/3/14). Had 5 week sono 10/21/14 all looked good. Today saw fetal pole, CRL measures 2mm and heard heartbeat. Was only 56 bpm. My doc didn't say anything re the hr. He smiled, congratulated me and gave me sono pics. Told me to come back in a week. Afterwards I had bloods drawn by same nurse that was in sono with me and I asked her re the heart rate. She said "oh I don't think that was the heartbeat, not the best machine, next week you will be in better room". I left and then emailed the doctor with my concerns that everything I've read said normal hr for 6-8 weeks should be 120-180 and that below 70 bpm is almost 100% miscarriage. His response was that at this early stage hr wasn't significant and to be exact "There is discrepancy in what you read in determination of gestational age at 6 weeks. We determine based on fertilization and add 2 weeks. The actual gestational age is 4 weeks. We do not always see a Fetal heart beat at this stage as the heart only is developed to point of beating within past 3 days and is 1-3 mm in size. This is why I say we can recheck next week when the rate is more significant." I am so confused and worried. Any advice?


Beibei - April 1

Hi ladies, I just wanted to share my story to tell you that there is definitely hope!! I'm 28 years old and 14 weeks along with my first pregnancy. When I got my first u/s, my baby was measuring 6 weeks and 3 days with a heart beat in the 60s only. My doctor said that it didn't look good and started asking me questions such as my blood type to prepare for next pregnancy. I was also scheduled for another u/s in a week. I knew that there was nothing I could do to help the heart beat but I still couldn't help researching online and found out that at such a low heart beat, the fetal survival rate is less than 5%...I was very very disappointed and my husband and I were really prepared for the worst news. However, we prayed A LOT (we still do, as we always to). My family prayed and his family did too. We knew that miracle could happen with the Lord and this situation was really beyond any human's control. We went in for my 2nd u/s a week later and WOW! The heart rate went up to 167! My husband and I both teared up seeing the tiny heart beating strong and quickly on the monitor! Meanwhile, I kept having almost all pregnancy symptoms (morning sickness, fatigue, food craving, food aversion, heightened sense of smell, etc.). I did all recommended check-ups for first trimester pregnancy, including blood tests, and NT screening and everything is perfectly normal! I just used my home doppler to listen to the baby's heart beat just now and it is a nice 150. Don't feel depressed if your baby has a low heart beat in the beginning because it does go up in some cases like mine. Remember, if it is meant to be it will be and if it is not then there must be good reasons. For example, most miscarriages in early pregnancy are due to chromosomal abnormalities in which case it is just not to be.


Beibei - April 1

Hi ladies, I just wanted to share my story to tell you that there is definitely hope!! I'm 28 years old and 14 weeks along with my first pregnancy. When I got my first u/s, my baby was measuring 6 weeks and 3 days with a heart beat in the 60s only. My doctor said that it didn't look good and started asking me questions such as my blood type to prepare for next pregnancy. I was also scheduled for another u/s in a week. I knew that there was nothing I could do to help the heart beat but I still couldn't help researching online and found out that at such a low heart beat, the fetal survival rate is less than 5%...I was very very disappointed and my husband and I were really prepared for the worst news. However, we prayed A LOT (we still do, as we always to). My family prayed and his family did too. We knew that miracle could happen with the Lord and this situation was really beyond any human's control. We went in for my 2nd u/s a week later and WOW! The heart rate went up to 167! My husband and I both teared up seeing the tiny heart beating strong and quickly on the monitor! Meanwhile, I kept having almost all pregnancy symptoms (morning sickness, fatigue, food craving, food aversion, heightened sense of smell, etc.). I did all recommended check-ups for first trimester pregnancy, including blood tests, and NT screening and everything is perfectly normal! I just used my home doppler to listen to the baby's heart beat just now and it is a nice 150. Don't feel depressed if your baby has a low heart beat in the beginning because it does go up in some cases like mine. Remember, if it is meant to be it will be and if it is not then there must be good reasons. For example, most miscarriages in early pregnancy are due to chromosomal abnormalities in which case it is just not to be.


Beibei - April 1

Hi ladies, I just wanted to share my story to tell you that there is definitely hope!! I'm 28 years old and 14 weeks along with my first pregnancy. When I got my first u/s, my baby was measuring 6 weeks and 3 days with a heart beat in the 60s only. My doctor said that it didn't look good and started asking me questions such as my blood type to prepare for next pregnancy. I was also scheduled for another u/s in a week. I knew that there was nothing I could do to help the heart beat but I still couldn't help researching online and found out that at such a low heart beat, the fetal survival rate is less than 5%...I was very very disappointed and my husband and I were really prepared for the worst news. However, we prayed A LOT (we still do, as we always to). My family prayed and his family did too. We knew that miracle could happen with the Lord and this situation was really beyond any human's control. We went in for my 2nd u/s a week later and WOW! The heart rate went up to 167! My husband and I both teared up seeing the tiny heart beating strong and quickly on the monitor! Meanwhile, I kept having almost all pregnancy symptoms (morning sickness, fatigue, food craving, food aversion, heightened sense of smell, etc.). I did all recommended check-ups for first trimester pregnancy, including blood tests, and NT screening and everything is perfectly normal! I just used my home doppler to listen to the baby's heart beat just now and it is a nice 150. Don't feel depressed if your baby has a low heart beat in the beginning because it does go up in some cases like mine. Remember, if it is meant to be it will be and if it is not then there must be good reasons. For example, most miscarriages in early pregnancy are due to chromosomal abnormalities in which case it is just not to be.


DivyaR - January 9

Hi friend,

Thanks for sharing your story. Yes, miracles do happen. We are also sailing in the same boat. Got the Ultra sound done at 7w2d. The heart beat is 101. The doctor said there are very few chances. I hope god comes to our rescue with a miracle. Its really tough to be strong after trying for a baby for the last 7+years. I wish good news for all the would be moms..


jennyk28 - March 3

I'm in the same boat and this whole thing keeps dragging on and on. I'm emotionally exhausted. I went in on Feb. 21st and had a internal u/s (should have been 7 weeks 2 days) the baby only measured 6 weeks 1 day with a heart rate of 89. I knew this was bad news straight away. I know the exact day I ovulated and which days we had sex (I used an ovulation prediction kit, am charting and tracking days, and also confirmed ovulation with a temp rise). So anyhow I am 100% not wrong as to how far along I should be. I went in for a repeat internal u/s on Feb 24 and the baby was measuring 6 weeks 4 days with a heart rate between 84-91. They sent me in for a repeat internal u/s again on Feb. 28 the baby measured 6 week 1 day (got smaller apparently?) and now the heart rate is 94. I should be 8 weeks 5 days today. I'm scheduled for another internal u/s check next Tuesday, March 7. My doctor told me to expect a miscarriage and obviously we are completely devistated. We are now in the process of waiting for "no heartbeat" so I can take a pill to help me miscarry faster then letting it happen naturally which can take weeks. I do not want a D&C. Its hard to see a heartbeat so many times with no growth and it seems no hope. I'm sorry for all of you going through this. :(


Julielynn - May 30

Hi!  I just wanted to report that I had a VERY POSITIVE second ultrasound after five days of complete and utter torture.  I just turned 42 and found out that my husband and I got pregnant naturally despite 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVF cycles. We finally decided to go the egg donor route & were about to do a frozen egg transfer and this miracle happened.  At my first ultrasound I measured 6 weeks 2 days and the heartbeat was 80.  I was told that I should be VERY concerned and was told to call the office if I had spotting or cramping before my next ultrasound in 5 days.  Basically I drove myself absulutely crazy Googling the topic to death.  Rarely did I see any positive outcomes. SO, here you go..............I went back this afternoon measuring 6 weeks 5 days and the heartbeat jumped to 150 beats.  Just five days ago it was only 80.  YES!  It can totally happen to you.  I think getting an ultrasound at 6 weeks can cause tons of unecessary worry and stress.  I hope someone finds this helpful and that it gives you hope.  I had lost hope & miracles can happen!!!!




Sdfreeh - March 5

Hi, I’m brand new to this site and was reading your posts. I am 38 yrs old and expecting baby #1. Right now I am at 7 weeks I had my first ultrasound on February 26th and found out my baby’s heartbeat was only 60bpm. My Dr did tell me that that was extremely low and basically to prepare for a miscarriage. So far I haven’t had one yet but my Dr did mention that if things don’t improve by my next ultrasound, which is scheduled for the 12th, I may have to make a very difficult decision and end my pregnancy. I’m so sad and crying everyday. This will be my parent’s first grandchild and they were so happy to find out I was expecting. This will probably be my one and only chance to have a child. I really do feel your pain and hope the best for you. 

As far as I have read, my chances of having a baby is slim to none at this point and I know only a miracle will save my baby. I hope to hear your doing better when you find out. 


born2bamommy - July 25

Hello All,

Felt reassuring while going through each and every post. What's meant to be will happen and what happens will be for some good. 

My experience - Today I am 7 weeks 2 days pregnant through IUI. I have very clear dates on my calendar. During 6 weeks 1 day I had an ultrasound when my doctor said we will only check to see if you have ectopic pregnancy. We may not see a heartbeat as this is too early. But ultrasound showed a definite heartbeat subtle to be measured. The CRL measurement was as of 6 weeks 1 day. So far So good. Yesterday my ultrasound showed babies heartbeat was 56 and CRL measurement was as of 6 weeks 3 days. My doctor said there are 80-90% chance of miscarriage and would like to wait another week and see how it goes. I am praying for a miracle. I want my healthy baby. I am 35 and TTC since last 5 years.

Luck and best wishes all!




born2bamommy - July 25

Hello All,

Felt reassuring while going through each and every post. What's meant to be will happen and what happens will be for some good. 

My experience - Today I am 7 weeks 2 days pregnant through IUI. I have very clear dates on my calendar. During 6 weeks 1 day I had an ultrasound when my doctor said we will only check to see if you have ectopic pregnancy. We may not see a heartbeat as this is too early. But ultrasound showed a definite heartbeat subtle to be measured. The CRL measurement was as of 6 weeks 1 day. So far So good. Yesterday my ultrasound showed babies heartbeat was 56 and CRL measurement was as of 6 weeks 3 days. My doctor said there are 80-90% chance of miscarriage and would like to wait another week and see how it goes. I am praying for a miracle. I want my healthy baby. I am 35 and TTC since last 5 years.

Luck and best wishes all!


lmdbabyquestions - March 2

I just read your post pants41 ... I am going through a very similar situation. At 6 weeks the baby’s heart rate was 96. At 7 weeks it’s now 60 ... no bleeding or cramping and the dr said the baby was growing normally. With this low heartbeat now though I’m worried I will miscarry. Did they ever figure out why the heat rate dropped?? That really does sound like a miracle and I’m praying constantly 



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