Spotting During Pregnancy-pg110063420738
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I went to the hospital on monday because i took a home pregnancy test, well two and they were both positive, and id say it was about two days later i woke up bleeding, but not enough to fill a whole pad, the hospital gave me a exam and my cervix was closed. they gave me a ultrasound and didint see know baby, but figured it would be to early to see the baby. i have a app. with doc on valentines day to make sure if i'm pregnant or not. i bleed kinda heavy and with clots for two days and the next couple real light. last valentines day i miscarried, and i feel like this valentines day i'm going to do the same thing. i really want this baby. last time i lost one i bleed brown for three days and stared bleeding heavy, so when i see blood and i'm pregnant i'm scared. I have had one pregnancy one time and had him at the end of my 7th month. he was 2Ib and 3 ounces. CAN YOU STILL HAVE BLOOD CLOTS AND BE PREGNANT?
to Elaine:
that is wonderful to here that, i hope thing will be the same for me. your story really got to me. I can relate to you in a way. your story helped me with my question. I wish you all the luck and a healthy pregnancy.
Yes, I am 8 weeks as well same thing but very light cramping my boyfriend says not to worry and my prenatael vist is next week but I am scared and can't wait I want to get an ultrasound now what sould I do?
you can go to the emergency room. That is where I went and they checked me out. I went to the doctor today and I miscarried. I am very upset to have miscarried on Valentines Day. This was the same time last year.
I dont feel like anyone should wait around if your pregnant and you start bleeding. if i were you I would go to the er. They will examine you and most of the time give you a ultrasound. with my first loss I started brown spotting like if you were just getting on your period and I did that for about two days and then I started bleeding bright blood. I went to the emergency room and they took a blood test and I miscarreid at 6 weeks.
I pray for any of you ladies in here who have any bleeding that your sweet little one is okey. Please make the right decisions.
I miscarried at the end of January 06 and my husband and I started having s_x again on Feb 5 and so on. This morning I woke up w/ light brown spotting. Is that normal? Could it be my period starting or could I have implantaation bleeding and be pregnant again? Confused???
I'm having the same problem. I'm a little under 7 weeks pregnant, starting spotting brown in color now it's varies from light pink to red and then brown again. I've been told by my doctor to watch for clotting and adoinal pain.
Hi, I am currently 7 weeks pregnant, and i am very happy to see that there are many women in the same boat as me. I have been mixed with emotions hoping and praying that i don't miscarry as i am really looking forward to being a first time mother. I started spotting last week (my 6th week)....I went to me doctor and she sent me to get a ultrasound, showing that my baby had a nice strong heartbeat and my cervix were closed. I am now on preogesterone my doctor says it will stabalise my pregnancy. I am still spotting til this day, but i am trying not to worrry myself stupid. fingers crossed for me, and all the other mums to be. x0x0x0 tina.
If the baby has a strong heart beat and your just brown spotting then most of the time its just old blood. Sometimes you can have all the syns of miscarrage and your baby be fine. Dont worry cause that can make things worse, babys heart beat is strong, things should be fine. I pray, just put it in gods hands and he'll take care of your baby. stay strong and wish you and your new baby the best.
| PC - February 20 |
Hi all! I have good news to report. I have been bleeding since 10 weeks, mostly brown but several days of red. I have been on bed rest for the last month. Now the bleeding is going away and I am able to go back to work! I have not had not had any red bleeding for the last 2 weeks and the brown is starting to lighten up. Baby's heartbeat is good and all is well. There is hope out there and some unknown reasons that cause things like this. Just listen to your doctor, put your trust in God and whatever is to happen will. I still have worries every day but just keep praying for a healthy baby.
I am 9 weeks and yesterday I experienced spotting, no cramping but it stopped. The nurse at the doctor's office said it is not uncommon but if I experience cramping to go immediately go see the doctor.
I love this web site! I recently miscarried at 7 weeks. My husband and I were very disappointed but it's good to know that we are not alone. My question is, when is it safe to try again? I've been told to try again after you've had at least one normal period. Is this true?
Hi Angel, I was told by my doctor and OBYGYN that you can try immediately after you miscarry. Waiting 1 cycle is just for dating purposes, but with ultrasound these days, it's not necessary. Here's my story. I am now 13 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I got pregnant right after I miscarried in November. My doctor told me I did not have to wait, so I didn't. There is no real medical research supporting waiting 1, 2 or 3 cycles before TTC. My best friend is an OBYGYN and my family doctor both said that almost always when a woman gets pregnant immediately after a miscarriage, the next pregnancy is successful. There is no proof you have to wait unless it was a late term miscarriage or there was scarring from a D & C. I miscarried with the help of misprostil at 9 weeks. I had a blighted ovum and the embyro sac just stopped growing after 6 weeks. There was no fetus. I was devastated and I knew knowing I could TTC again right away gave me hope. After 3 weeks of bleeding I ovulated and then we got pregnant! For all of you out there worried about when you can try again, I did it and while it's scary, so far so good. Do what you need to do to move on and start your family or have another baby, it's your right. If your body is not ready to conceive again it won't. There's no proof that you have a higher chance of miscarriage if you get pregnant right away. In fact, my OBYGYN said that each pregnancy is independent of each other. Each time you get pregnant you have a 20% chance of miscarriage unless you have a genetic or chromosonal abnormality. So for all of you who are putting fear into the minds of other women to TTC right after a miscarriage. SHAME ON YOU!!! Your body will tell you if you're ready. Good luck to you, I hope you get pregnant right away. I will keep you posted.
Elaine, THANK YOU , THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!! My husband and I really want to try again right away. Your story gives me hope. I'm asking everyone to continue to pray with us!
Yes. I am 5w and have been spotting red for 3d, with no pain whatsoever. I went to the dr and it's fairly common. It can be normal or onset of m/c. I had v____al u/s today and no sa, but was told it may be too early. Pending blood work in the next few days.
This may ease your worries: Take your bbt every morning. It is supposed to stay high after ovulation and throughout preg. Mine has been steady at 99.01-99.03 despite the spotting. A significant dip in temp is a potential sign of m/c. Best wishes for you and baby!
I'm now 14 weeks pregnant. All is well but I've been spotting and bleeding non stop from 6 weeks on. Sometimes it's brown staining and spottin and 3 times I've had heavy bleeding with one time pa__sing more than 10 clots. Yet, the baby is healthy and my doctor said that the blood is not coming from the uterus or the placenta. I don't think this will stop until I have the baby. Has anyone else has this type of bleeding and spotting throughout their entire pregnancy. I am grateful that my baby is safe since I miscarred in November but this is getting ridiculous. I just needed to vent. It's very very annoying, and it's killing our s_x life. But I know it's all for a good cause. Anyone with a simular situation?