Spotting Then Bleeding But No Cramping
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hi i'am 5.5 weeks pregnant.the week i should of started my period i had light pink for about 4 days then stoped.took a test and i was positive.a week later the pink spotting came back.went to hospital with bad cramping,they took test and said i was still pregnant.went to doc and they did a pelvic,said my cervix was closed and my blood work came back fine,hormones still rising.then the next day i started bleeding.did not soak any pads but i bleed for 2 days then stoped for one and today i started bleeding again,but i haven't had any cramping or pain,i do feel some muscle twinges,but i'am scared and don't know what to think.i go to the docs tomorrow and have a u/s scheduled for friday.can anyone tell me what could cause this or do i have no hope at keeping this baby?thank you,cherry