Johanna - so pleases, it's best to get the antibiotics just for a piece of mind eh. Sooo glad baby is measuring good and as for having two hemetoma's me too at one point! I did bleed one out though and am now 21+4 anmd baby doing fine so try not to worry.
Take care,
Kathryn x
Hello! I am at 10 weeks and I spent 6 hours in the ER and have finally been told that I have a blood clot behind the placenta. I have bright red bleeding and pa__ses several clots now. I have some cramping but nothing too serious. I am glad to find this site and talk with others that have the same experiences. I felt clueless about what was happening and could not really find a lot of information about this.
I'm almost 15 weeks along. Was diagnosed with a SCH at 11 weeks 5 days (bloody ER scene). Since then I've only had brown spotting and mild cramps, particularly when spotting. However, last night I experienced two rounds of what felt like contractions. My stomach tightened up hard as a rock with moderate pain that radiated to my back. And the contraction was constant for 25 minutes and went away by laying down. Anyone experience something similar? Could these be Braxton Hicks this early? Or am I trying to pa__s a clot? Or labor? No increased bleeding.
Candi - I was told by my obstetrician that we will experience discomfort in there as we have a bleed in there and to expect this so I wouldn't be to oworried unless you experience heavier bleeding with it. Not too early for braxtons either....
Kathryn x
Pray for me ladies, I go to get another ultrasound tonight and see how big the hematoma is. I had a bad bleed out last Tuesday night and during the weekend. I have had 4 ultrasounds and everything is always okay but I'm so scared this time around because of my bad week. I'm 11wks 1day today. I hoping that everything is okay with the baby.
Just another encouraging story for everyone! I went to my Doc today for a regular OB app. She said that I am one of two of her patients with a SCH.
I guess the other gal is about 3 weeks behind me. Anyway, her other patient's bleed was very big and she had more bleeding than I did and now her SCH is completely gone! Praise Be!! My Doc and I are believing the same outcome for me! Anything is possible! I go for my next scan on Aug. 24th, I'll keep you posted...
Sabrina 25wks+4days
| Cor - August 22 |
I am praying for you Mindy.
...and for all of us.
Thanks for praying for me Cor. I have some sad news, the 4cm hematoma won and the baby lost. The hematoma washed everything out. There was nothing there when I went in for the ultrasound. The little baby with a strong heartbeat and jumping around was not there anymore. I had a bad bleed out just once on Tuesday night it settled down by wednesday and just light to med bleed for the rest of the week, no cramps at all. I just can't believe it. Today, not much bleeding at all, like it did not happen. It all happen so quick and really thought it was just a bad bleed that I got from the hematoma. I just feel so sick that I flushed my baby down the toilet. I can't stop crying. Thanks for listening everyone.
| Cor - August 23 |
Oh Mindy,
I am so sad for your loss.
It seems so unfair.
I will still pray for you.
Mindy, my thoughts and prayers are with you... I am so sorry for your loss. You had no idea, please don't be too hard on yourself. May you find peace in knowing that your baby is in God's loving arms. My sympathies are with you.
Mindy - I am so, so sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with you. I understand what you are saying about flushing the toilet etc but every one of us on here would have done the same, how would you have known. We are told to expect heavy bleeds, I would have thought exactly the same as you.
Take care and we are all thinking of you.
Kathryn x
I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you can feel the many thoughts of support being sent to you from me and others. Please be extra kind to yourself and expect that you will be teary as long as you need to be. I had a miscarraige last fall which pa__sed fetal material down the toilet as well. There was absolutely nothing I could have or should have done differently - that's nature taking it's course. The only thing that comforted me was trusting that it just wasn't meant to be for reasons I wasn't able to see but deep down I know existed anyway. The best advice I got - "try again when you're ready". I did and am now 12 weeks along and taking one day at a time.
Thanks everyone for your support. I feel like a truck has hit me today. I am still in shock. No cramps or pain no warning out all, just a bleed out from that thing that killed my baby. I'm thinking I never want to get pregnant again, it would scare me to much if I ended up with the same thing. I feel so bad that the baby was riped out of me when it was measuring ahead and with a strong heartbeat. I guess I thought it could never happen to me. I already have 3 beautiful children 5, 7, and 9 so I know I am blessed by God but I will always feel there is a face missing. God has a reason for everything, and I know I need look to Him for guidance on this. Thanks again for listening and your support.
Yes I have. I am very unaware of the symptoms though. I have had bleeding and i guess old blood (brownish leakage) is this the same for you
Mindy - I understand where you are coming from when you say about your baby being healthy and being taken from you by the SCH. It's like you can understand it more if your baby hadn't developed or wasn't healthy. I really feel for you. Take care.
Kathryn x
I was diagnosed with this at 14 weeks and have bled heavily bright red blood since.I am now 22 weeks.Baby is perfect and at present does not seem to be affected. My consultant will scan me again at 26 weeks and will deliver soon after if need be.