I posted about a month ago at 9 weeks pregnant... I was on bedrest for the entire month of June and went back to the doc yesterday- the SCH is completely healed, no trace of it at all! So I am off bedrest at 13 weeks, but my doc did say there could be an increased risk of a preterm delivery... but we'll cross that bridge when we get there! There's hope!!!
i am 16weeks pregnant had have been told that i placenta abruption. 50% has already seperated. by it being this early there is nothing that can be done. the doctor said if i was 20 weeks he
put me in the hospital. im not due until december. so now the doctor
has put me on complete bed rest. i have two other childer age 7 and 11
months. it's been real hard with not knowing what to expect. the
says he cant tell me nothing. he cant say the baby will live at this
point. i'm not bleeding like i was. but know the blood has took on a
choc look, with clots. the doctor tells me its just old blood, and not
to call or go to the er unless i have bright red blood or stomach
that dont stop. i dont know what to expect at this point. the doctor
says at this point my live is in danger and so is the babys. mine
of the loss of blood the babys because of how early it is. they told me at 12 weeks.
when was this ? posted? I am 19.4 weeks w/ SCH and things are awfully scary right now. We have been dealing w/ this since 12wks and today I met w/ a specialist who helped me understand what this condition really is and why it is important to stay in bed. How pregnant are you and what is going on?
Just an update. First of all I am so encouraged by being able to read all the other stories. Anything dealing with the body of a woman, especially
pregnancy, is all consuming. We can think of nothing else and our minds are never at rest when we are faced with unknowns. Thank you all for sharing and for the father who was brave enough to add his insight. My husband has become not only soul provider but mother, housekeeper, waiter, dinner man, nurse, taxi, and my prayer warrior. I could not do bedrest without him! Any way I had another U/S today and my sub ch hem
is not smaller. I am almost 18 weeks.
I am still spotting really dark brown.
In my U/S they noticed my uterus was contracting quite a bit. No explanation why...only that it can do that all pregnency. I feel fine and baby is still adjusting to sharing it's environment with the bleed. I am due in early December...does that seem like a long time for anybody else? I have another U/S next week as they have put me on
weekly U/S until further notice. By the way....Jamie....what is the condition really? My specialist did not ever tell me anything specific....what is it?
Hope to hear from you.
Hi everyone. I too have been diognosed with a hematoma. I am 6 weeks and 4 days and had an ultrasound today to confirm why I was bleeding. I have actually been spotting brown blood for 1 week. It's darker brown in the morning and clearer during the day. He never told me how big it was but he showed me that it was above the sac. Just wondering if anyone has had just brownish discharge and whether it's a good sign that it's only a little bit.
I had my 21 week scan yesterday and didn't mention seeing a hematoma so I guess it must have gone. I have had no bleeding since week 14 and the clot was much reduced already at my 13 week scan and I expected it to go around week 17 at the rate it was going. The baby is fine and they measured the length of my cervix and said based on its length I was low risk (under 1%) for premature before 34 weeks. It was such a relief - I was so nervous before the scan - didn't sleep and felt sick and at one point the doctor said 'stopped breathing' and I was worried the baby had stopped breathing but it was me who had! Sabrina - I asked a doctor on the internet to explain a subchorionic hematoma and if all hematomas in the uterus were subchorionic. Apparently all hematomas in the uterus are not subchorionic - mine wasn't. A subchorionic hematoma if I remember correctly (Jamie pls correct me if this is wrong) is usually between the two membranes which cover the placenta - it is under (i.e. sub) the outer membrane of the placenta which is called the chorionic membrane hence subchorionic. The inner membrane of the placenta is I think the called the amniotic membrane which covers the amniotic sac which feeds the baby.
i heard that brown blood is ok. not good but ok. my doctor told me not to worry unless it is bright red. the brown blood is just old blood. i have not been diagnosed with a blood clot. just placenta abruption. complete bedrest. not due to december.
HI justine- Thank you for the answer. I am staring to wonder if mine is a sub chor hem at all. I have watched 4 different U/S techs do thier stuff and everytime they measure the same thing. They find that my "pool of blood" is not near my cevix, not near the placenta, not near baby at all. It's just stationary in my uterus with everything else. It's like it just appeared there and is not affecting anything with my pregnancy except the spotting. One DR called it contained. I almost wonder if it was there before conception? Is that possible? Another thing I have noticed is the dark blood has a horrific odor. Is this common? Anyway I have tons of questions and not very many answers. I have another appointment on the 7th with an U/S.
From week 7 I have been bleeding on and off (mainly bright red blood) but also a bit of brown at time (good) It has been great to read all your stories. I am now 15 weeks and they only noticed the hematoma at my ultrasound at 12 weeks. Previous to that when I was scanned after bleeding episode they just said they couldn't find any areas of bleeding. This did worry me I have to admit as I then though' oh gosh it's got bigger' I can keep thinking about stuff like that though. Now, a lot of you girls seems to have been put on bed rest but I haven't - I have a 7 month old baby daughter and can't really be on bed rest as my husband works and I am on my own. I have just been trying to rest where I can (feet up on the sofa) but mainly it has been business as usual. I did ask a consultant at my hospital about bed rest and he claimed it did not good for this and if the worst was going to happen it would happen. I also asked what my chances were and he said it's 50/50. I find this bleak percentage hard to live with and keep thinking surely our chances are better than that being over 12 weeks or is that not so? I am worrying about not being able to rest as much as I would like but with a 7 mth old baby my life must go on despite this high risk pregnancy. Anyone got any advice for me? My area of bleeding is right around the sac (next to it but not along the bottom. It's high in the fundus too.
Kathryn x
Kathryn, do we have the same dr.s?? That is exactly what has happened to me and I am also 15 weeks now. I work at the hospital and I have been quite pushy (along with my husband, asking questions and making suggestions)-- anyway the dr. has not put me on bed rest but told me to stay home from work and "take it easy".... I don't have any children so I have been sitting or laying down most of the day and it seems that I am having a little less bleeding. The regular dr.s told me I have a 50/50 chance but when I saw a perianatologist he told me my chances of miscarriage increase each day that I continue to bleed. I asked another Dr and she said that they are both right!!??! Arrgghh!! I read about anther woman with this problem-- she said each day she had her husband put everything she needed by the bed (ice chest with food, books, and whatever else). She only got up to go to the bathroom. I know this won't keep you from having to get up- but maybe it can save you a few trips so you can rest a little more. Let me know how you do. Good luck!!
Christina - it's difficult isn't it. I think we need to make our own decisions regarding rest. I have heard very mixed stories (bed rest helped me/I carried on as normal and everything was fine) I just can't do it with a 7 mth old baby. I do try to rest where I can and when my husband is around he lifts our baby etc. It's amazing the different advice everyone seems to be given and I think it differs greatly between countries, especially US-UK (I am in UK) I found a good website, hope this link works:
try copying and pasting - loads of stories on there. I really hope this works out for us. I haven't bled since Thursday which is good for me! I'll be follwoing this board (there's not a lot of other info out there eh) I have heard that drinking lots of water can help as it helps the blood flow smooth through the uterus - I'll give anything a try, I feel guilty enough as it is not being able to rest more.
Take care,
Kathryn x
Yes, I have heard the same thing about drinking lots of water and I mentioned to my husband yesterday that I think it has contributed to the decrease in bleeding. Hopefully it will stop completely. I will keep drinking! And hey, don't you dare feel guilty!! You are doing all you can and it seems to be working-- You haven't bled since Thursday!! That's great! Your baby's odds have increased dramatically! As for me, I gotta go get a gla__s of water!! =)
Not sure if this how I am supposed to join in this "conversation" but here goes....I will be 10 weeks on Wed. and was diagnosed with a bleed at 5 weeks---it has not gotten smaller--it is just a clot now--I think the baby is attached on the top of my uterus and the clot is supposedly away from the placenta--but I think the clot is just sitting on top of the cervix--it seems from this page that that might be a bad thing--the baby is still strong--178 heartbeat--and growing as it should be--the clot is supposedly not interefering with the placenta or cord etc....and I have no external bleeding---the bleed stopped at 5 weeks and I guess just coagulated and is just sitting there annoying me!!!!!!
Happy July 4th to all of you!!!!
Dana - as far as I know a bleed or a clot sitting on top of you cervix is not a bad thing as it is below the baby. Mine is bad (as it is large) and also because it is above my baby (in the fundus) so obviously threatens to detach baby if that makes sense. I am trying not to think of that bleak possible outcome though! Well done for making it to 10 wks and I also had a seperate area of bleeding just above the cervix that did drain away and caused no problems so please try not to worry. My biggest issue at the moment is rest or lack of it but I truly believe if we aren't bleeding then it's not so important.
Take care,
Hi Kathryn--okay here shows how dumb I am--what is the fundus???? I guess--at the last u/s--they think I had another sac in there and that is what caused the bleed--so I guess I have to wait for that to dissolve and the bleed to resolve--my clot is supposedly pretty big also--it is about 2 inches--and the baby is not that big yet--I guess it will be soon how far are you along??
JUSTINE--where do you get all of these great percentages for miscarriage etc....my doctor still tells me 50-50--and I have read in other places stuff like what you are saying--that once past 8 weeks and so on %%%% go down for m/c.
Dana - I am not sure about the percentages. i am also confused like you. I live in UK and when I saw my consultant regarding it he said it is still 50/50 for me even though I was 14 wks at the time (15 wks now) My area of bleeding is: 45 x 16 x 39mm. The reason it is more dangerous with regards to the fundus is because it is the top part of the uterus thus above the baby and that will threaten to bring poor baby with it if it decides to bleed all at once. Think of a flood taking a baby tree with it. If your area is below the sac and baby then it does not really threaten to dislodge baby. I would love to know more about prognosis. I guess docs don't like to tell us yeah you should be okay as we may go back to them and complain if it isn't.
Here is a good link:
Kathryn x