What is standard treatment for a yeast infection during pregnancy? I'm 24 weeks pregnant. The nurse said it is a mild case yet she prescribed penicillin and a va___al cream. I am not comfortable with the idea of taking penicillin while pregnant but would like to know if anyone else has had a similar situation.
I've just gotten a yeast infection FROM penicillin, taken for prenatal mast_tis. It seems odd to prescribe an antibiotic for something often caused by antibiotics. However, I'm pretty sure penicillin is safe in pregnancy.
I was on penicillin when I found out I was pregnant. Doctor said to finish the treatment and that it would not affect the pregnancy. From a prior pregnancy, I had a yeast infection, and v____al cream took care of the problem.
| J - July 28 |
This is my 3rd yeast infection during my pregnancy and I am 24 weeks. My doctor has told me to use Canesten inserts and the external cream. Works really good. Hope this helps
Fiona was it amoxicillin? Amoxicilin is known to cause yeast infection in some women, but not all penicillins do this. I found this out the hard way, while being treated for an ear infection. The doctor never even mentioned it!
Forgot to answer the question, I was told that an OTC counter 7 day cream like Monistat is fine. It worked for me and my case was more than mild. I would say somewhere between the 7th and 8th circle of hell. I wasn't allowed to take anything until the end of my first trimester.