Depressed And Need To Go Back To Work
1 Replies
| ELO - February 4 |
Hello everyone,.. I had my baby four weeks ago and have been crying everyday for the past week. Sometimes it's for no reason. I am constantly giving my spouse an att_tude and fight with him constantly over little things. Although after I see it was nonsense, at the time I just cry and lock myself in the room. I'm due to go back to work in 10 days and have no idea how I am going to handle these crying episodes, along with being away from my baby at the same time....... I'm due to see my midwife in a week for my 6 week check up. anyone have any suggestions or have gone through the same? What did the doctor do?? Please help.
It sounds to me like postpartum depression. It is a good thing you are going to see your midwife. I would definitely talk to her about it. I know when I got home from the hospital the first couple of weeks my hormones were crazy and I got really nasty with my husband and cried some tears too. It does get better. Bringing home a baby is a total life change and it takes time to adjust. Good luck :-)