First Period After C Section
4 Replies
I am 7 weeks post partum and had completely quit bleeding until a couple of days ago when I began bleeding very heavily; So heavily, in fact, that I'm soaking through a tampon and panty liner within an hour or two even when I'm laying down doing nothing. In addition to it bein so heavy, it's also very bright red in color. Is this my first period or should I be concerned?
I also had a c-section about 9 weeks ago. I don't think I have had my period yet though. I have heard that your first period after baby can be pretty bad. Do you have cramps and stuff - I've heard those are pretty bad following the baby as well? I would still call your doctor just to check, but I think it might be normal.....
It probably is just a very heavy period,My first af after i had my baby was real orange colored(that worried me)But you can call your dr to make sure things are fine.
I called my doctor and was told that it's probably just my first period. I forgot to mention that I also had my tubes tied and a friend of mine said that her periods were so heavy after having her tubes tied that she opted to have a hysterectomy. I certainly hope this isn't a sign of things to come. No cramping, though, so I guess it could be worse!
Keep taking iron if you're bleeding heavily. I bled for a long time after having my daughter and got soooo wiped out I could barely think. It turned out that I wasn't getting enough iron. Taking care of a baby is hard enough as it is without worrying about anemia.