When did everyone get their period back? I had my first child 9.5 months ago, and still have not gotten my period. Is this normal?
Are you breadtfeeding? Apparently if you bf, often you don't have periods until you stop, or if you do they're irregular. My ds is nearly 6 months, and I've had one short period at the beginning of April and nothing since, and I'm formula feeding. Sorry I'm not more help!
Are you b___stfeeding? Anything is normal if you are bfing... I've heard some get it back right away while others don't the entire time they are bfing.
I got my period back after 2 months and I'm only b___st feeding
I have this same question. I had a caesaerean and am b___stfeeding only. My baby is 4 months old and other than bleeding for close to 6 weeks which I understand is normal after birth, nothing since.
i bled for may be a week and a half after my daughter was born, i went to work 2 weeks after i had her and she's two months old now, and i still havent had my period either..