Lost Connection With Son

2 Replies
Barry - July 28

My fiance has been going through PPD and recently brought to my attention the feeling of no 'connection' with our son. She is very much involved in his life, but around her he is much more fussy and cries unconsoulably. I'm here to listen to her, but she doesn't want to talk about it much, and have spoken of all the positive aspects of their lives, but seem to get nowhere with this. Is there any other advice that I can do/say/ect to help her get through this?


Britt - August 6

I have never had this depression but it would make me happy if I heard..."when the baby cries and is fussy when hes around you, he just wants your attention and loves you because your his mommy." If the crying is a problem, tell her that that is how a baby communicates with his parents...there isn't any other way he can tell you what he needs. I know that women have lots of hormones and a guy can never win with them lol so really, if I was her, I'd go to a therapist and figure out the problem. I guess all you can do it stay positive, maybe give her a day or two away from your son. Let her go out to her favorite place with a friend. Maybe spend more time as a family...just try to get her mind off things, make a sc___p book of family photos of your son and you guys out and about. When I'm having a bad day, I look at my photo album of my fiance', son, and I all together (and how much we've all grown and love eachother). I hope things work out for you, good luck.


smoo - August 13

try getting out or involving her in a support group try to get her to seek help it's important...especially bgecause it is imperative that the child and mother bond at an early age



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