Medication For Postpartum

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florence - January 25

Why are mothers given SSRI's during pregnancy when these are known to cause birth defects ?- medication after birth of child can be much more severe to the mother, some causing permanent brain damage. Orlanzopine Seroquel Lithium and many more Mothers need to look up the web site for 'April' this organisation will help you protect yourself and your children from mind altering and brain damaging drugs. Over 4 million people in America have permanent brain damage from seroquel and that is only the tip of this issue - these drugs are given to children in Britain. When reading what researchers have discovered - remember these people have not taken the drugs they advocate to work - many patients just say yes it works after going through the cycle of drug trails and the patient just wants to get away from the researcher. Reaserchers also put pressure on the patient to comply - making out the patient is not being truthful in saying that the Drugs DO NOT work. Reasearchers want the drug to work and look at the recipient of the drug through rose tinted glassess - what does it matter when a patient is given anti-depressant - still feels depressed and commits suicide - the ones who lose their life are put down as being non compliant with the drug - depression and prozac - mother to be and post natal mother should not be given this medication - it causes severe suicidal thoughts and has a high suicide rate.



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